£52 (€60) worth of groceries from Aldi in the UK

£52 (€60) worth of groceries from Aldi in the UK


by soft_cheese

  1. It can be strange 🙀 to hear, but here, in Ukraine, the prices will be the same… Note, official minimum salary is ~170€.

  2. Out of curiosity, how many grams is that feta piece?

    I have a feeling the price is insanely good

  3. That is an excessive amount of flags. I think I see 11 and there’s probably one on the other side of the salad as well.

  4. In Greece I believe it will cost you at least the same if not more expensive. Basic income around 710€ just for reference.Basically every month we go to supermarket is getting more expensive so we have come to a point that me and my girl we try to avoid it until is not longer possible not to go because we are afraid of the cost.

  5. I’m shocked how cheap this is. The only thing on there I’d pay less for here is the pasta. Everything else is either similar or more expensive, for some things considerably so.

  6. First time I’ve seen eggs, cabbage or fruits with the flag and nationality on the cardboard (and I’m 39) … wtf? Also.. where’s the food?

  7. This would be roughly something like €120 in Finnish prices. Some of those products, such as strawberries, pickles and eggs, are groceries I haven’t bought in years.

  8. Is it safe to post a receipt online like this. I cab see things like card number are obfuscated but still???

  9. It could be £5 lower (which is 10%) if you bought the less expensive baby tomatoes (iirc, ~90p instead of £2.39).

  10. You should up your egg game though, you seem to care about animal welfare, those eggs will come from very unhappy hens to say the least. 

    Look for cacklebean eggs they are more expensive slightly, but it’s worth it for the deep orange yolk. 

    I imagine these Aldi eggs are pretty yellow and uniform

  11. had to do a double take from wondering why you would need 40 trojan magnums every week from your grocery shop

  12. I wonder why food is so much cheaper in the UK, given the salaries are somewhat higher.

  13. Thank you for reminding me about Aldi.

    They closed down all their stores in Denmark last year. My favorite store to buy groceries, and now I have to go to Germany to do that.

  14. Thanks for the impression. Can you give me some hints on what main dishes you’ll cook with that? I can only see meatballs + noodels/potatoes. I’m sure that’s a me problem tho

  15. It disgusts me how the overall price is comparable to what we would pay in Hungary

  16. It’s crazy the amount of plastic that Aldi still produces. I lived in the UK for a year between 2018 and 2019 and they haven’t changed their policy about it…

  17. UK flags even on eggs and beetroot and a lot of advisement everywhere

    Prices are okay and even good actually but how expensive it would be without such amount of flags an other coloured stuff on each thing ?

  18. And yet people in uk complain that everything is so expensive there, I know it is difficult now to go around Europe after brexit, but even in “cheap” countries in Eastern Europe prices are not better anymore. A salary not even close to what you can get in uk

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