First F-16 fighter jets deployed in Ukraine

First F-16 fighter jets deployed in Ukraine

Ukraine received its first batch of US-made F-16 fighter jets on Sunday, Volodymyr Zelensky said, adding that more are needed to beat back Russian forces.

For more than two years, the Ukrainian president pleaded with Western partners for the aircraft – long considered the crown jewel in the sprawling list of military hardware Kyiv has sought.

“We often heard the word ‘impossible’. Now it is a reality. Reality in our skies. F-16s in Ukraine. We made it happen,” Mr Zelensky announced as they flew overhead.

#Ukraine #Russia #Zelensky

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  1. Wait until Ukraine learns the NATO Combined Arms system, AIR Armor and Infantry working as one. Russia is the proverbial "dead man walking". Air superiority is just one legs of the doctrine, UAF has the rest worked out. SLAVA UKRAINE

  2. Saddam was a real good friend of the USA and met with D. Rumsfel several times as is today the puppets in Europe to fight for Ukraine, As it was Osama B L, as all the military in the USA so they are being used like ¨"dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreing policy" Kissinger said.

  3. The reason that Putin is afraid of the F-16 is because like all NATO aircraft it is compatible with past, present and future NATO weapons. The NATO weapons use by Ukraine had to be jury-rigged to be launched on the old Soviet fighters, limiting its capabilities. With the F-16 the NATO weapons will be used to the maximum capabilities, and Putin knows this.

  4. Imagine how great America would be if…we stopped sending other countries billions of dollars And stopped fighting their problems/ wars

  5. Почему канадский лидер Уильям Лайон Маккензи Кинг думал и делал то, что делал, сегодня канадцы счастливы и довольны. И почему Владимир Ленин думал и делал то, что делал, люди в РФ и подобных странах этой системы недовольны? Это вопрос, на который необходимо ответить, поэтому, пожалуйста, ответьте (???). B093

  6. Брати України 🇺🇦, ви збираєтеся підірвати арку мосту літаками, щоб їхні потяги не могли перетнути, а потім знищити російських 🇷🇺 загарбників на території України 🇺🇦 та знищити злого гусака.

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