Pro-Palestine demonstrators accused of antisemitism after protesting outside Fiddler on the Roof

Pro-Palestine demonstrators accused of antisemitism after protesting outside Fiddler on the Roof

by gizmostrumpet

  1. I have to sort of ask for context here, as someone who doesn’t have much sympathy for the terror supporters:

    Were they actually protesting the play, or were they just in the vicinity of a theatre playing it?

    EDIT: It’s not clear from the article and the theatre itself seems to deny it had anything to do with the theatre performance.

    EDIT: I think my comment here has angered both sides. Gey veys.

  2. If they were protesting the play directly then no that’s not on, the Israeli government has bugger all to do with Fiddler on the Roof, it’s like protesting outside of Ikea because you’re against surströmming, however I have feeling that protesters just happened to in the vicinity and the media is twisting this into something it’s not.

  3. Anti-genocide protestors accused of bigotry by the people who support the genocide.

  4. What’s next, maybe protesting a performance of Mendelssohn’s violin concerto or a Mahler symphony?

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