Dow Jumps More Than 400 Points, Trump’s ‘Kamala Crash’ Strategy Backfires

Dow Jumps More Than 400 Points, Trump’s ‘Kamala Crash’ Strategy Backfires

Dow Jumps More Than 400 Points, Trump’s ‘Kamala Crash’ Strategy Backfires

Posted by newsjam

  1. Stonk go up, stonk go down, stonk go up again.

    Unless you work as a trader, daily moves mean nothing.

  2. 650 now… meanwhile, DJT is still down $40 from its high 5 or 6 months ago

  3. The Dow is up 715 points up now. Nasdaq is up 407 points. The S & P is up 122 points.

  4. Guess all those folks will be voting democrat now that the market is back up today.🤣. BTW, markets are up about 8000 since Orange Hitler hit the road. Vote MAGA; stay poor.

  5. No, no, no…you don’t understand! Think!!

    When the stock market goes up, it is because of Trump. When the stock market goes down, it is because of Democrats.

    And never, ever, ever blame world markets or wars or famines on people from other parts of the world…unless they are dictators or despots. Then agree with Donald Trump that they are “very smart people”.

  6. No no. This Trumps economy repairing itself after the current VP destroyed it even though Trump said VPs don’t matter. See. It all makes sense.

  7. You would’ve thought that a very stable genius would’ve seen this from a mile away.

  8. Nah it doesn’t, it’s not about truth. Trumps base doesn’t fact check or follow up, they’re too eager to satisfy confirmation bias and eat up their deity’s propaganda.

  9. Damn, we have _one_ bad day in the market and he’s making a crash out of it. Even dumber than usual.

  10. But wait, it’s a Trump Rebound! The market remembered I am going to win the next election!

  11. Trump blamed Kamala and the market noped the fuck outta there 😂, said “nvm we’re good till after november”.

  12. Does he not know that markets do that?

    The most likely cause was that the Bank of Japan unexpectedly raised interest rates for the first time ever and some investors pulled money out of U.S. securities.

    Kamala Harris has broken Donald Trump.

  13. Yeah, I’m still waiting for Trump to figure out how to spin it and take credit for it

  14. QUEEN KAMALA will have absolute immunity 🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂 The GOP needs to get voted out and into oblivion. Let’s take the country back.

  15. Not to mention the fact that it had larger single day drops at least 10 times during Trump’s presidency

  16. Can we all just stop talking about “whose fault” it is on a daily basis? The market could go up 1000 points tomorrow, or could drop 2000. Nothing JB, KH or even DT says or does impacts the stock market daily fluctuations.

  17. Imagine that. A conman who bankrupted multiple casinos and inflated his books for decades doesn’t know how the stock market works. Successful businessman, my ass.

  18. Just yesterday they were screeching about a “depression.”

    Expect the performative drama and general hysterics to reach a fever pitch by November.

  19. ‘Grab em by the pussy’ had no strategy. It’s clear. He is an emperor without clothes, snake oil salesman.

  20. It just to show you that that fat fucking fraud doesnt know what he is talking about even when it is something that supposedly assume he has an inkling about. Just another example of how deep the fraud runs with that weird worthless fuck. He is nothing more than a grifting con man pig.

  21. It’s almost as if the President doesn’t have direct control over the stock market

  22. He was praising the stock market while it was doing well, saying it was a sign people wanted him back.

    The second it dipped, he was there to cheer it on and blame…the Vice President of all people.

    Trump only cares about what makes Trump look good.

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