Putin calls for a project to promote ‘traditional Russian values’ overseas

Putin calls for a project to promote ‘traditional Russian values’ overseas


Posted by newzee1

  1. Time for the us to invade and annex Mexico because theyre thinking about forming an economic alliance with Russia! (but don’t worry they’ll only take the resource rich areas and the coasts.).

  2. What traditional values is Mr. Putin on about?

    He is not Christian. He wasn’t baptised, the KGB didn’t allow Christians in it ranks and Putin was a Godless KGB agent. The KGB actively repressed the church.

    He is an adulterer and a divorcee with multiple children out of wedlock and also, and I can’t stress this enough, he has the blood of many hundreds of people on his hands. What values is Mr. Putin personally promoting?

    Edit: not to mention all the large-scale theft and money hoarding. “It is easier for a billion euro Black Sea palace to go through the eye of A needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God.” Or something like that.

  3. Like rampant corruption and ruthless enrichment and raids on neighbors, Alkoholismus and domestic violence.

  4. How exactly? lol he’s just threatening to impose russkiy mir overseas, yet with no logistics aside from support from dictatorships and failed mafia states in the third world, such as Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea and other sinkhole countries lol

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