Losses of the Russian military to 7.8.2024

Losses of the Russian military to 7.8.2024


  1. 200+ enemy land equipment destroyed in one day and a russian gunship taken down near Kursk as a bonus! Is this a record for special equipment?

  2. Russia needs to leave the Ukraine asap this is ridiculous. Pootler continues to send in human wave attacks that are getting repelled by the shield of democracy. Hopefully we get broader nato support and a no fly zone soon to push Russia back to original borders.

  3. Great work Ukraine!

    Those logistics losses (vehicles and fuel trucks) are amazing!

  4. Bloody hell (literally).

    Less than 2 weeks till 600,000 Orcs taken off the battlefield.

  5. Its so hard to comprehend 8.4k tanks destroyed. Like how many tanks did the west send in Total? A few hunderd?

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