GP who beat himself up to frame patient is suspended

GP who beat himself up to frame patient is suspended

by insomnimax_99

  1. Should have been struck off honestly reading the article, utterly bizarre behaviour and no remorse

  2. Jesus, he also told the patient he had terminal blood cancer, punishment seems a little light.

  3. This is the weirdest behaviour I have ever heard of. I’d love to know the context as to why this gp wanted to get rid of this patient. Obviously nothing excuses his behaviour but I’d love to know the background lol. Also if someone paid me that much money to change my GP surgery I wouldn’t even ask questions lol

  4. I’m picturing that scene in Liar Liar where Jim Carrey beats himself up in the bathroom to stall the trial.

  5. Sounds like the receptionist need to be removed too, as she immediately agreed that patient A had hit Kalkat.. obviously, an agreement had been made

  6. I feel like there must be more to this story…

    A GP must have tens of thousands of patients. Why would they so desperately want to be rid of one just because of a drug problem?

    I understand there might be targets to hit or whatever, and some patients might be more costly to handle, but that would then lead to a general encouragement of the ‘worst’ 10% to leave, not super strong encouragement of just one patient to leave.

  7. It makes a couple of references to wanting him off the books, and that he had drug issues. Apparently the GP paid 40k of his own money for the patients rehab.

    What I’m not sure about is WHY this was such an issue. It mentions wanting him off the patient list before the practice merged with another but I honestly can’t see why having a patient with drug problems would be such a problem, regardless of practices merging.

    If anything, you would think it would be good for GPs, since at each appointment they can do the drug dependency questionnaire and get some easy qof points, although that may not be the case anymore I guess. Anyone got any ideas?

  8. Not just re-enacting Fight Club; he also offered to bribe him with fifteen thousand pound and *falsely told the man he had blood cancer and six months to live*.

    I… think lying to a patient about something like that should result in stronger sanctions to be honest. Like not being allowed to be a doctor.

    If they have one job, it’s to be honest with the patient about their medical condition.

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