‘It made me cry’: Viral photos of Swiss glacier show impact of climate change

‘It made me cry’: Viral photos of Swiss glacier show impact of climate change


by Wagamaga

  1. Photos of a couple posing in the same spot of the Swiss Alps 15 years apart have gone viral, after they showed the devastating impact of climate change and the speed at which glaciers are melting.

    Duncan Porter and his wife Helen posted the photos on X and attracted the attention of millions of people, sparking both heartbreak and criticism from users.

    The photos show the British couple posing in front of the same spot of the Rhône glacier in August 2009 and August 2024.

    In the photo from 2009, the ice completely fills the background. However, in 2024, the white ice has visibly melted, and in its place is a grey rock and a lake.

  2. Just to nitpick – clearly not the same mountains along the skyline – how much this would have been, if they had set up the shot better. Just to be clear, I’m sure the glacier has disappeared, and they are standing at the same general location.

  3. At this point it is clear that those that have the power to do anything about it do not give a shit.

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