Not a great sight

Not a great sight

Posted by Overall-Vacation-90

  1. Utter nonsense. No warning no leeway to a finalist and direct disqualification. This Olympics has been really unfair to the Indian contingent whether it be boxing, hockey or wrestling.

  2. That means Sarah Hildebrandt from the USA WINS GOLD BY DEFAULT!(thats another USA gold but not how I wanted this to happen at all)

    But seriously….. whats going to happen with the medal situation. Is there just not going to be a sliver awarded for this event,will the person who lost to Sarah Hildebrandt in the semi finals(Dolgorjav Otgonjargal) be promoted to the sliver medal or will the two bronze medals matches winners complete against eachother to see who gets the sliver?

    Remember in events like wresting there are TWO bronze medals awarded.

  3. 100 grams? The match is still 10+ hours away. She can easily lose 100 grams in 10 hours! This is BULLSHIT.

    And people say that we don’t do good outside cricket. It’s becuz cricket is the only sport where Indians aren’t cheated with… That too is only since the early 2000s…

  4. Well, gravity doesn’t lie.

    She could have shaved her head. Hair weighs like 100-200g.

    Edit: The athlete and her coaches and support staff tried everything including extreme measures like cutting her hair and trying to draw out blood but their efforts did not yield the results they wanted.

    But for the American, gold is gold, but winning it by default? That might be somewhat unfulfilling.

  5. Absolute fucking bullshit. She can easily shed the grams by the match. If this were a white athlete people would’ve been bending backwards to accommodate them.

  6. Is the weighing just for the final? Meaning she wasn’t over in her previous bouts?

  7. Damn, I wonder if she could have shaved her head, drawn a tube of blood, done whatever to get that 100g off…

  8. No clue as to how this disqualification would demotivate upcoming talent in India.
    They really killed many future aspirations with this

  9. Wow this sucks, was looking forward to this final. When you’re a high-level wrestler or any combat sports athlete for the matter, weight cutting is just as much a part of the job as the actual competition. Sometimes shit happens during cuts, but this is just really unfortunate timing for it to happen to her.

  10. But can’t she keep the Bronze. Why will she be ranked last? Sorry for asking but I’m not very good with the rules.

  11. Atleast give her silver. She did weight correctly for her previous matches
    Why take it all away
    Can’t understand this rule

  12. Can’t imagine cutting, making weight, wrestling three times in a day, then having to make that weight again in the morning.

    Brutal to miss by 100 grams, really feel for her.

  13. Such sad news to start this Olympic day. She overcame a Herculean task in beating the strong favourite Yui Susaki, and had a chance of winning Gold. Her team should or would have been fully involved in ensuring she was within the weight limit. As such, the reasons for this disastrous miss must be investigated fully.

  14. She made weight in all the other matches, so it makes no sense to disqualify her from the entire tournament. Just bar her from the match and give her silver.

    The rules are stupid.

  15. Unbelievable – would have been the first Indian woman to win gold. She lost her quarterfinal bout at the Rio games due to a knee injury.

    She was top seed at Tokyo but had an upset loss by fall in the quarterfinal.

    Now she loses gold or silver due to being over the weight. She was under the weight for her quarterfinal but 2kg over the next day.

    3 missed Olympic medal chances.

  16. Fellow Indians displaying lack of sporting knowledge by tuning in only during the Olympics.

  17. Not allowing her to compete in the final due to weight issue is still understandable, but not giving her the Silver medal is not fair.
    She won the Silver medal fair and square.

    This will remain a controversial incident for a long time.

  18. Rules question.

    What would have happened if she fell ill/forfeited/went MIA or simply got lost in Paris/was kidnapped … whatever, just didn’t show up to the weighing or the match.

    Would she have gotten silver then?

  19. That’s .22 lbs. that’s insane. That’s literally a few grapes from breakfast.

  20. Some people in India are happy that she was disqualified. She participate in some protest in India where she openly criticize India PM. so im pretty sure that information had to do something with her elimination.

  21. Absolute madness in the comments. Rules are rules ffs. If you’re over the weight, you cannot fight in that weight class. It’s very simple.

  22. Couldn’t she have played on the safe side and competed in the 53kg category?

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