‘Triggered’ Stephen Miller Melts Down Over Tim Walz’s Speech And Mockery Floods Social Media: ‘Wow! Trumpsters Are Rattled’

‘Triggered’ Stephen Miller Melts Down Over Tim Walz’s Speech And Mockery Floods Social Media: ‘Wow! Trumpsters Are Rattled’

‘Triggered’ Stephen Miller Melts Down Over Tim Walz’s Speech And Mockery Floods Social Media: ‘Wow! Trumpsters Are Rattled’

Posted by inewser

  1. doctor doom warned that his policies would turn the Midwest into a “third world state.” Which of course explains why Minnesota is consistently ranked in the Top Five states for businesses to grow their business and business climate and in Top Ten year after year with high scores for Quality of Life. So douchebag can go do himself.

  2. Victimhood^TM is their brand. I expect nothing less. Wait until the actual DNC and the week of coverage! Make sure you check your registration status and encourage everyone you know to vote.

  3. He reminds me of if Napolean Dynamites brother shaved his face and head after LaFonda left him

  4. Oh for gods’ sake will somebody please just play some Slim Whitman music and rid us of the Miller plague.

  5. He mumbled some wacko nonsense about Walz and Mogadishu. They have to sense that the end is near, are all scared to death, and panicking. Their fascist utopian dream is as finished as one of Trump’s diapers.

  6. After the joyous speeches by the Democrats tonight, trumps campaign decides to put a vampire on TV to counter them.

  7. They should be scared.
    I remember watching a documentary of this guy as a student.
    He is a living troll, with a hate agenda.

  8. Miller always looks like he’s about to complain and blow it so far out of proportion that it becomes meaningless.

    I can’t help feel that he’s still upset that he never got to implement his final solution while Trump was in power.

  9. Ridicule is a very effective anti MAGA weapon.
    It seems they cabt handle that. Really weird.

  10. Oh no! The little nazi is upset. He sees his Martin Bormann role slipping away.

  11. If MAGAs and even run-of-the mill GOPers would actually still listen, they’d know Harris/Walz is the infinitely better choice for them. Contrary to the dude who was born with a silver spoon in NYC, who probably couldn’t locate South Dakota on a map and yet still managed to lose alls his wealth and turn everything he ever touches to shit, Walz actually knows what it means to grow up in rural America and is likelier to care about their concerns. Combining that with a prosecutor from a coastal blue state, that actually makes for a pretty comprehensive package.

    But then again, they stopped listening years ago. Too busy worshipping the greasy orange piece of shit, for some entirely unknown reasons

  12. Must be some reason most of these guys look like the cast from a B grade movie about the Nazis.

  13. That’s how you know the GOP is weird and out of touch. They still keep putting Gargamel on TV to represent the brand. Dude is the human embodiment of *seethe*.

  14. Soon they’ll be fighting over the lifeboats as the RMS DonOLD has already struck the iceberg.

  15. If stephan would use a heavy black marker to draw a line from the center of his forehead to the top of his head, put on a tan oversized t-shirt he could be a penis on Halloween, probably even win best costume.

  16. They are all fucking weird, but this Miller motherfucker is the weirdest of all of them…

  17. He’s acting like someone asked him to pick up his own garbage on a college campus.

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