Trump is SOOOO desperate to bring back Biden, he’s creating mental fantasies trying to WILL it to happen.

Trump is SOOOO desperate to bring back Biden, he’s creating mental fantasies trying to WILL it to happen.

Posted by hamishjoy

  1. Can’t believe that sack of rancid bat turds was actually president.

    What a thoroughly unhinged weepy little fop – I’d be deeply embarrassed if my 8yr old nephew ever tweeted anything even remotely that weak & stupid.

  2. Trump needs someone to step in and get him some much needed help. Are there any adults left in the room?

  3. Why does he have to give insulting and silly nicknames to people he opposes? It makes him sound like a particularly spoiled and snotty six year old brat.

    I do wish his carers would turn off his modem.

  4. I’ve seen him misspell her name like this multiple times now so it’s obviously on purpose but I have no idea what it’s supposed to represent

  5. The infamous Biden Crime Family is so terrifyingly powerful and in control of so many things that they were completely duped and defeated by his own vice president.

    It’s almost as if they’re making all this shit up as they go along and couldn’t care less about any kind of logical consistency.

  6. If Trump is really hearing about a big movement to “bring back crooked joe”, it’s obviously from people in his own campaign who fear for his chances against Harris.

    Besides the fact that there is no one on the Democratic side actually moving for that, Trump wouldn’t know what the hell anyone on the left is talking about since he lives in his carefully protected “It’s all about Trump” bubble.

  7. I hear there is big movement of Republicans who can’t wait to see Trump lose bigly.

  8. The GOP is fucking confused rn. They have virtually no good line of attack on the campaign and Trump is having meltdowns daily.

  9. Liberals, real liberals you know with the blue hair, they com up to me and say “Sir!” They say, with tears in their eyes “Sir! You are so awesome and scary and Kamabla just laughs so much.” They say “She laugh and we don’t like her laugh sir, could we please have crooked Joe back?”

  10. People should keep telling him that Biden want a to come back, and he spend all this time attacking Biden, and nit Kamala 

  11. “Most radical left” ….Sees pics of Walz hunting holding a rifle. Keep talking Donny, less people are listening.

  12. I haven’t seen the different groups on the left this united and on the same page in a long time, but there’s a big movement to bring him back? Let the poor man retire.

    Also how does he know what duo we’ll have in the future. Dude can’t think far enough in the future to think about what he says let alone predict future candidates.

  13. How is there a single person in this country that wants to continue listening to this idiot? I just can’t understand how anyone would be happy to deal with this complete lunatic for 4 more years (at least).

  14. He thinks that Biden will see these jabs and take them as a blow to his ego and enter the race again because that’s exactly what would happen if the roles were switched. Trump is a simple man.

  15. A cop friendly lawyer and football coach are the most radical duo in history? Oh he’s serious let me laugh harder then

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