Trump Appears to Keep Open Possibility for ABC Debate With Kamala Harris: ‘We’ll be debating her, I guess, in the near future.’

Trump Appears to Keep Open Possibility for ABC Debate With Kamala Harris: ‘We’ll be debating her, I guess, in the near future.’

Trump Appears to Keep Open Possibility for ABC Debate With Kamala Harris While Still Pushing Hard for Fox News

Posted by T_Shurt

  1. “…but not if there’s real-time fact checking – oh, nooo – if I can’t lie my bigly ass off, I got nuthin’!”

  2. What a rambling mumble mouthed incoherent idiot! Actual adults want this asshole again? Really? When did this country become so stupid.

  3. He does nothing but play stupid games with people. He just wants to keep attention on him. Now we are supposed to beg for a solid answer about whether or not he’s going to debate. It’s a big, stupid game. And he’ll grab as much cash as he can on his way out.

  4. I guess he heard that he was a chicken too much. Now the pedo felon has to dial it back… again.

  5. He has to show up to the ABC debate.

    He is continuing to play games and trying to act like he’s in some high level negotiations.

    At the end of the day, Harris’ campaign made very clear that a debate is scheduled for September 10th on ABC.

    She will be there. He will also have to be there. And the mere fact of him showing up after all these pretend negotiations will highlight his utter impotence.

    Remember America, this is the same man who tried to lower expectations for his debate performance against Biden accusing the president of using performance enhancing drugs. And even Fox got in on the act calling Biden a formidable debater. Let that sink in. Harris is clearly in a oratorial class well above Biden, even in his prime.

    Trump is in a scylla and charybdis reality right now. And it’s not going to get better.

  6. He guesses? Is that the kind of indecisiveness we need leading our country? 

  7. Pretty obvious what’s going on here. Trump is simultaneously upset at being called Orange Chicken AND that Kamala is sucking all the media oxygen out of the room.

    So despite knowing that he will get creamed in a fair debate with Kamala, Trump will do it anyways because more than anything he’s an insecure little boy who craves the spotlight.

    Cannot fucking wait.

  8. Why is he even being given this option? You want the job? Then get your ass up on the debate stage. So sick of him!

  9. He’ll go back and forth on this all the way up to the debate because he thinks it’s smart mind games or something.

    But my guess is by September they will need something to change the trajectory of the race. He’ll show up.

  10. And of course, Weird donOld will arrive late and blame it on harris and the democrats.

  11. He won’t. This is an old move from a ratty playbook. He’ll pretend to be on the fence until Democrats commit some “new” offense and then he’ll go back to refusing to debate her because of some perceived corruption. That way, the cult following him can claim that he WANTED to debate and was definitely going to but Democrats are too crooked to be trusted.

  12. Her polling is rising, her rallies are popular, and the media is ignoring him…so now he’s desperate to get attention again. His lame running to Faux News made him look weak even to his braindead followers. So now he realizes to get attention again he needs to debate her. The Convention is going to be another week of the media ignoring him in favor of her and he needs attention.

  13. “I don’t need to debate her, but I guess I’ll show up.” – Trump (probably)

  14. The good news here is that Chinese restaurants can start using a picture of Trump on the menu instead of having to spell out “orange chicken”.

  15. If that gutless wonder does not show up for the debate, the Republican party might as well flush the toilet of any hopes of winning any thing at all in the next election. America does not support a gutless chicken with a big motor mouth flapping.

  16. He isn’t going to debate her unless it’s on his ridiculous terms. He will keep saying he wants to but remember he really really wanted to testify in whichever case he was being tried in and remember he really wanted to show his tax returns but you know the audit and all.

  17. It’d be great to have three AI fact checkers running at the bottom of the screen at all times.

  18. During the debate, she needs to press him for specifics when he rambles on and jumps to other topics.

    She needs to highlight how he knows absolutely nothing about any topic.

  19. To me, this reads a lot like “I really don’t want to, but I’m getting shredded as a coward for dodging it, so I guess I have to.”

  20. He agreed to these debates with the future presidential pick months ago. What a coward.

  21. Has the old guy demanded for a chair and for it to happen place at Mar-a-lago with only his guest list present?

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