Are magats getting tired of the weird old man?

Are magats getting tired of the weird old man?

Posted by Cute-Perception2335

  1. Based on some of the stuff I hear from my own family I would say that the cracks are beginning to show. You can only tell people black is white, up is down for so long before at least a little bit of common sense starts to peak through.

  2. There are sooooo many points/opportunities for Kamala to have her “shut up man” moment and they will play for free political ads on news now until election day. He cant use his tired mouth vomit techniques. He can only hide from her. And he knows it!!!

  3. I don’t know. It seems like a lot of them are weird old men, or at the very least, very weird themselves.

  4. Maybe, but so far the GOP/MAGA thing has shown no interest in jettisoning the agenda and values; and that is what all this is really about.

  5. She should go on ABC and debate an empty podium, his numbers are dropping, and he’s gonna need to show strength soon, he’s gonna need to debate her more than she needs to debate him, and if they do it will only show just how dumb he really is.

  6. #It’s downright alarming to witness Donald Trump’s mental decline unfold in real-time, especially because it has profound implications for public discourse and democracy. What once seemed like a charismatic bravado has devolved into a patchwork of erratic statements, rambling tweets, and bizarre conspiracy theories that reflect a disconnection from reality.

    #One minute he’s fixated on outlandish claims that border on delusional, and the next he’s contradicting himself with reckless abandon. It’s as if he’s trapped in a feedback loop of his own making, surrounded by sycophants who refuse to challenge his increasingly absurd positions. This deterioration transcends the typical political drama; it’s an erosion of the mental fitness required for leadership, and it raises troubling questions about the influence such a figure can wield in a polarized digital age. It’s frustrating and frightening to see someone with such a platform so clearly losing their grip on reason, coupled with a refusal to acknowledge the reality that the rest of us inhabit. Above all, it’s a stark reminder of how crucial mental acuity is in leadership—something we desperately need to prioritize moving forward.

  7. I don’t think so as of now. Most of MAGA seem to be easily hoodwinked and bamboozled. If they are tired, it’s hard to tell, and the so-called religious right seems to be committed to continuing down the unholy path of supporting him

  8. I don’t think so.

    The reason being so many of these people have made MAGA their entire personality since 2016, that’s not going to be undone quickly.

    Perfect example: neighbor across the street from me printed out “let’s go Brandon” posters on paper and used painter’s tape to stick them to his truck doors.

    They’re still up. Despite Biden dropping out weeks ago. LGB flag still up on his house.

    They’ve hated Biden since he won in 2020 and invested so much time and money into hating him they don’t know how to deal.

    Should Harris win in November, I suspect a good many of these people will react violently, as they know a Trump loss means the MAGA movement is dead.

  9. They are not. MAGAT’s are awful, terrible people. The rot in the GOP does not flow from Trump down. It flows from the base up.

  10. At some point, even the MAGAts have to realize that they’ve been played by the most notorious conman of a generation

  11. I hope so. 

    It only really takes a single introspective glance to ask “what has he actually done for us, what is he actually planning to do for *us* if he wins.”

  12. Might be a couple of them actually realizing friends and family are starting to want nothing to do with them.

    They backed the weird old convicted felon that actively wants a second civil war, and is willing to sacrifice his entire cult to be named king of America, what did they think was going to be the end result when they have family’s that might actually care about democracy?

  13. Hard core racists will likely never change their stripes.

    Even if they tire of Trump, they know he’s their last remaining hope.

  14. Personally, I’m looking forward to returning to normality. A time when ignorant bigots still had some sense of shame and kept to the shadows. Before Trump made them feel comfortable coming into the light.

  15. According to my boomer family members on Facebook, they’re doing their best to embrace the term.

    An example: “if it’s weird to only want women to compete in women’s sports, then I’m weird”

  16. I think this is what happened to Trump the night VP KAMALA named Coach WALZ her VP CHOICE…..

    Trump got kicked in his “SMELLY, WEIRD DUPA( !dostać kopa w dupę )!*!…..MOM

    NOTE:>*Polish wordDupa is a vulgar Polish word that means “ass” & dostać kopa w dupę means “to get kicked in the ass”.

  17. Not sure it’s even about him anymore. I think they really just enjoy being hateful and angry together.

  18. I woke up this morning with the idea that Harris-Walz should have a special section at their rallies for MAGA defectors. Welcome them, give the a hug and tell them its going to be OK.

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