Bulgarian parliament bans LGBTQ+ ‘propaganda’ in schools

Bulgarian parliament bans LGBTQ+ ‘propaganda’ in schools


by avalontrekker

  1. > Voted through with an overwhelming 159-22 majority

    so democracy at work, glad to hear.

  2. Incredibly disappointed in my country.. Bulgaria is in the middle ages and closer in mentality to Russians than to Western Europeans and after 17 years in it refuse to understand EU democratic values. Many Bulgarians are incredibly homophobic and support fully this bill. Also with 17% support for same sex marriages which is the lowest in the EU.
    Reaction online is celebrating the bill and keeping the traditional Christian values that has been the discourse in the parliament.

    Many politicians made points that Western Europe is degenarete and rotten and that school kids should not learn any topic related to LGBT people.Not that they have but some parents went crazy that a school book text said that a child had two loving fathers.
    Also religion was the main point which is funny because they forgot that there should be separation from church and state..

    The bill passed with 171 votes and little to no opposition from the liberal parties.. So yeah life for anyone who is different is basically being hated and discriminated from the lowest echelons to now the highest political levels.

  3. Such bans can stifle important conversations and limit students’ understanding of diverse perspectives. It’s crucial to support inclusive education for a more informed and accepting society.

  4. What a great way to make **even more** young Bulgarians want to leave Bulgaria.

    Basically every second young Bulgarian person leaves Bulgaria already, making life worse for people isn’t going to make them want to stay.

    Taking the Russiapill.

  5. So, I see that the homophobic shitbags are in full force at the comments here.

    Enjoy it while you can I guess


    I am feeling suffocated by all the news all around lately.

  7. Orbán did this in Hungary. His son is gay, but power is more important for Orbán than his own family.

  8. Surprising no one who’s following what’s happening there from the outside. I left Bulgaria 15 years ago, but every now and then I visit the news sites to see what’s happening there. And sadly every time I do I’m reminded that leaving was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

    Just yesterday I was checking a popular sports site and in their articles they still call the Algerian boxer “trans”. Despite everyone and their dog, and I mean even the dumbest of dumb dogs, already knowing that she’s a biological woman not trans.

  9. As a bulgarian I can safely say that the stuff that some of the people in parliament said are even worse than what’s shown here. Some of them are:

    1. Two bible verses used as a way to show that homosexual relations aren’t normal. [https://www.youtube.com/live/MuC6gtdwVQo?si=_m1ewlqC22g9BFLr&t=7199](https://www.youtube.com/live/MuC6gtdwVQo?si=_m1ewlqC22g9BFLr&t=7199)
    2. Saying that people that wave the rainbow flag are russian puppets that are the biggest danger for europe. [https://www.youtube.com/live/MuC6gtdwVQo?si=TMGt_tcL5Yczd5w1&t=8630](https://www.youtube.com/live/MuC6gtdwVQo?si=TMGt_tcL5Yczd5w1&t=8630)
    3. 10 min after saying the second point some of them added that there isn’t discrimination against those type of people. [https://www.youtube.com/live/MuC6gtdwVQo?si=cxHWN5IxJyuJ-nEl&t=8753](https://www.youtube.com/live/MuC6gtdwVQo?si=cxHWN5IxJyuJ-nEl&t=8753)

    As a whole, it’s a sad day to be a progressive bulgarian.

  10. To add to how ridiculous this is, the new law is included in a clause whose first paragraph specifically says it’s forbidden to enforce any religious and/or ideological mantras, yet right below it we just accepted an additional paragraph that was officially suggested by a person that said they want backing from every person in parliament that supports “Christian” values. Ignoring how vaguely “gay propaganda” is defined, this in itself seems paradoxical and enough of a reason not to accept it.

  11. What the actual fuck is happening across eastern Europe as of lately? Please correct me if I’m wrong and it’s just nostalgia talking out of me, but before covid times, during 2016-2019 it felt in Slovakia that we’re very slowly but surely getting in a good direction (it was definitely not thanks to Fico, but thanks to economic stability everywhere around the world) and after since the “end” of covid when we jumped into Ukraine-russia war it feels like we’re all regressing in eastern Europe. The russians got hold of the idiots on social medias and the idiots are reshaping everything into absolute shit. How and when will this change? I feel like we will be so far behind western Europe if this war ever ends that we won’t ever catch up to them.

  12. Hm. Is it something illegal in EU ? Will Bulgaria be sanctioned for that or what?

  13. I would exclude my kid from LGBTQ+ stuff and I’ve an option when they get to school.

    I’m happy to let my kid develop naturally and talk through issues and feelings as he grows up.

    I wouldn’t call it propaganda but I don’t think it should be thought in school.

  14. Bulgarbros correct me if I m wrong, I don t think this law will change much in Bulgarian schools, I imagine positive discussions about LGBT are not really a thing there just like here.

    But let s say a kid gets bullied because he is gay and he tells a teacher. Will that teacher now be breaking the law if he tells the other students that they should not bully the kid for being gay? If the bullies respond with “Bbbbut being gay is gross and satanic, he deserves it!”, will the teacher be unable to correct these hatetul views?

    I really hope the orthodox world will be able to evolve from these primitive views soon. Greece has lit up the torch and showed us the way, now it should be our turn to follow.

  15. > Lawmakers also voted on a separate text that defines “non-traditional sexual orientation” as “different from the generally accepted and established notions in the Bulgarian legal tradition of emotional, romantic, sexual or sensual attraction between persons of opposite sexes.”

    So, eh… there is a legal framework for romantic etc relations in Bulgary?! Sex and Dating Codex? Bulgarian Kamasutra?

  16. Looks like the members of the St. Petersburg Internet Research Agency and their witless fans have gathered for a ‘conference’ here.

  17. BRB, off to tell school children in Eastern Europe how amazing being gay is😎

  18. Meh. The country’s rotting from the inside anyway, young people are leaving Bulgaria in droves.

  19. When government officials take their societal knowledge from bottom of the barrel 4chan threads

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