Democrats after having Tim Walz for a whole day

Democrats after having Tim Walz for a whole day

Posted by Juice_Stanton

  1. man slow scrolling into this post on my feed in public made me a little nervous at first.

  2. At the Wisconsin rally, Tim Walz was speaking when he noticed someone in distress due to the heat, he stopped speaking and put all his attention to getting medics to take care of the man and make sure he got some water. Another person in another direction was having trouble and he made sure that person got some water!!! That says it all about the person he is and I am thrilled to vote for him!!!

  3. Republicans after having Trump for 8 years:

    [Same GIF text but it’s a meth head crying and masturbating]

  4. Hillary and Biden would have passed this opportunity up but Kamala saw the chance to have the spiritual successor to Bob Ross on her ticket and knew it was perfect

  5. You could double this gif up and have “I **hate** him so mu-uh-uch” on the second one and say it’s trump about vance.

  6. Republicans are scouring his past *so fucking hard* right now, looking for that “AOC dancing in college video” moment that they think will derail his popularity.

    Narrator: It won’t.

  7. Finally catching up to the cult, but we still have a long way to go, measured in parsecs. One day maybe we will get to him being Jesus’ right hand man like Trump is.

  8. Now we just need to make a clip of Trump with that stupid fuckin’ bandage on his ear go into the convenience store from this flick and cut to the shopkeeper saying “Son, you got a panty on your head”…

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