Nancy Pelosi: Some Republicans secretly want Dems to win to end Trump ‘cult’

Nancy Pelosi: Some Republicans secretly want Dems to win to end Trump ‘cult’

Posted by Advanced_Drink_8536

  1. Considering some of them are getting pretty vocal about it, I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot more are quietly rooting for it. Back in elementary school our principle once made a comment about how “for every 1 student that brings a complaint to me, I know there’s several more afraid to say anything”. I don’t see this being any different. Trump has hijacked the party. They did it to themselves really, he’s just the natural end result of their actions and rhetoric of the last 50+ years, but some of them definitely see what he’s done to their party and how every year his policies get less and less popular across the board.

    The only way for Republicans to save their party is to get Trump out of there and then pull some hardcore damage control. I think a lot of them are realizing that now.

  2. Name a more iconic duo than Republicans and their fear of confronting the truth.

  3. Lots of women registered Republican are gonna vote Harris when they get in the booth.

  4. It’s been known. They tried ridding trump when we all thought De Santis was going to run through everyone but we all know how that went.

    Fact is, the republicans are owned by trump.

  5. My concern is that it won’t matter if the Dems win. Dementia DonOLD will cry foul once again and Clearance Thomas and the rest of the corrupt SCOTUS will just hand him the election.

    After what we saw in 2020, why would anyone have even the slightest amount of optimism that this nightmare will simply just end if the Dems win?

  6. As a previous republican that lost faith when Trump was elected… Ya i can see this being real, if i were more stubborn I’d have stayed a never trumper republican rather than be an independent voting blue.

  7. They should stop being cowards.

    Honestly people like that do NOT deserve to be in the office.

  8. They had two opportunities to rid themselves of the cancer during his term and abdicated those responsibilities. They can go fuck themselves.

  9. Yeah, I suspect that the reasonable ones feel that once Trump and the whole MAGA nonsense is done, they can put him in the rear view mirror and actually start coming up with policy to challenge the Democrats…or maybe that’s just wishful thinking.

  10. The Lincoln Project Hates Trump. They put out good Ads.

    Their Republicans against Donald Trump.

  11. >secretly

    That means they’re in those Epstein tapes that Putin has had on these weird ass weasels then.

  12. Not that big a secret. Ben and Matt at The Daily Wire wanted Ron DeSantis.
    They now pretend to like Trump to keep their subs and sponsors.

  13. The ones that have nothing to run on, because they haven’t exactly *done* anything in the past 4 years, are getting upset there’s nothing they can campaign on, or even if they can afford to campaign after trump has bled the gop dry. 

  14. Losing the 2024 election isn’t enough to end the cult of Trump at this point. For one, he won’t go quietly into defeat of his own free will, no matter what the voter rolls look like on election night. He’s radicalized about a quarter of the country by conservative estimates.

    Even if he dies or decides to step down, at this point his rabid base will just replace him with someone just the same, and maybe worse.

    Of course some Republicans are sick and embarrassed of Trump. That just shows that there are more decent people in their ranks than what’s suggested by polls.

  15. Well, if they ever want a real career in politics where whatever’s in their own heads matters, then yes.

  16. They’ve been writing this story for the past 8+ years at this point. Either put up or shut up, no one cares about what politicians say behind the scenes. Just what they actually do.

  17. Of course they do. That’s literally the whole point of Project 2025.

    They want someone who owes a lot of favors to the party; someone to use as a puppet for unelected overlords to push their agenda, like Joe Biden.

    Someone who acts on their own accord is our two party system’s worst nightmare.

  18. The Republicans could have ended this maga movement and put Donald Trump in his place years ago but they chose not to. So now they’re reaping what they sow.

  19. No shit. Lindsey graham probably secretly wants it too. They’re a bunch of abused housewives, afraid to say something bad about their captor. You can practically see Ted Cruz blinking out in Morse code, “save me, please” every time he speaks

  20. You better hope.I believe there’s going to be some big changes in the insider trading

  21. When you freak ball around in our classrooms act.Unlike nuts in front of our kids religion is part of everything

  22. Think of how many ambitious GOP politicians have had their careers stalled or destroyed because of Trump. They can’t wait for his demise but can’t say it out loud..

  23. The Lincoln Project has been very vocal for 8 years about this. Nancy is very out of touch much of the time.

  24. id be more inclined believe Pelosi secretly wants him to WIN. Shes a Feudal Capitalist.

  25. Is there an “end” at this point. Even if trump loses he won’t go quietly. Both in regards to the election and in general. So many MAGAts are far too deep now to just say “oh well, I guess that didn’t work”. They’re MAGA till they die. And then trumper extremists like Cruz, Hawley, MTG, etc are all still elected officials. Are they gonna pivot after building their entire brand solely on MAGA?

    If the GOP truly wants a party without trump they will have to root them out. That likely means losing lots of elections by forcing differences with MAGA folk. And they won’t do that.

    As awful as it sounds to say to the only thing that gets the GOP to be able to do any sort of “reset” is enough people dying.

  26. It was the most short-sighted move on the GOP’s part to hitch themselves to Trump. He barely eeked out one victory, and has continuously been losing since. The Rs sold their party out for a few SCOTUS seats that are going to become irrelevant as the US moves farther left.

    They have no policy that actually HELPS normal people, so they kinda just have to keep riding the Trump train and hope for his outrage.

  27. All they had to do to end the Trump cult (no quotations needed, seriously) was *not bend the fucking knee*

  28. Those secret patriots better nut up soon, or they’ll all be getting mandatory orange face paint soon.

  29. They’ve had multiple opportunities to end the cult and the madness. Power and blind ambition was too much for them to do the right thing for the country. Cowards and pigs.

  30. Honestly they’re complicit until they aren’t. Speak tf up, on record, or stay complicit.

  31. I said this in 2016, there is plenty of cons that didn’t want this. They always bitch after the fact.

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