Republicans right now

Republicans right now

Posted by walks_with_penis_out

  1. Apparently Jessie Waters was going on and on last night about him being a secret Chinese asset because him and his wife used to do teaching trips in China. That and not…shooting protestors? I guess? – is all they seem to be able to bitch about at the moment. They’re still workshopping what exactly their followers should be outraged about.

    Edit: oh, and apparently they’re also upset that he did something to give girls access to free tampons in schools? I’m not sure why that’s a bad thing, unless it prevents girls from knowing that they’re whores and that’s why god is doing this to them, or something like that.

  2. Anyone who pretends walz isn’t quite moderate is out to lunch. I live in mn and can attest, there is nothing super progressive about him.

    the thing is, the gop has moved so far right that not letting children starve to death has become a partisan issue. Yes, I’ve read editorials by local politicans upset about free school lunches. They tried to explain how feeding children is bad for the economy and society…

  3. Walz stance on weapons will not appeal to any Republican 2a people. He backs all the things they are against, awb, red flag laws, etc. just because he hunts doesn’t me the right will vote for him

    The liberal gun owners sub isn’t happy with his stances on weapons so if they aren’t happy with his views then 0 of the right gun people will be

  4. You know chud media will just lie and say he wants to ban guns or arm illegal immigrants or some shit.

  5. is this supposed to be a joke? he was a social studies teacher (and history, and geography…)

  6. I like the one where someone accused him of being in the pocket of labor unions and he said something to the effect of “I take issue with that, I am the pocket.”

  7. It’s weird that the MAGAsses can only think in mutually exclusive absolutes. If you support gun control, you CANNOT own a gun. If you support abortion rights, you MUST support post-birth abortions (a.k.a., infanticide). If you accept a trans person’s right to exist, you MUST want to turn children trans. And so on…

    I’m very much a social liberal but have very conservative views on crime and punishment (ancient? out of touch? biblical?) to the point where my very liberal wife and I can barely talk about issues like gun OWNERSHIP and capital punishment.

  8. Eh… not too sure about the 2nd amendment part.

    I don’t see Harris losing votes for not making gun control a part of her campaign. Her base isn’t going to suddenly vote Trump if she decides not to say AR15s should be banned. However, there are a lot of moderates in swing states that could be turned off from the ticket if they push gun control.

    I feel like it’s kind of like the abortion argument on the right. The base loves it. The more candidates talk about restricting it the more excited they get. But a lot of people who aren’t their base will be motivated to vote against them because of abortion.

    I’m seeing a lot of articles posted about Harris and gun restrictions. I haven’t looked into it enough to see if that actually is a major pillar of her campaign, but if it is, I think that’s going to be a big mistake.

  9. Every picture I’ve seen of him with a gun has been with an appropriate firearm for the task, in an appropriate location with proper safety gear, and proper trigger discipline. As opposed to so many of these 2A pandering politicians running around brandishing AK’s and AR’s like Taliban.

  10. Don’t get cocky kids, Kerry was a hunter and Vietnam vet, still got swift boated.

  11. “I’m a better shot than most of them”

    Look I still hate guns but no Republican can recover from that

  12. So is he a teacher that’s a socialist or is he teaching socialism? Or is there really no difference to those people?

  13. You can find pictures of anti-gun people such as David Hogg and Obama shooting skeet with shotguns. Does that make them pro 2nd Amendment?

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