Journalist Explains Why Riots Are Not Occurring in Scotland and Wales.

Journalist Explains Why Riots Are Not Occurring in Scotland and Wales.

by PositiveLibrary7032

  1. There’s a direct sort-of line that can be drawn between, Brexit, Reform, and other right-wing movements in Europe and the US. There’s a renewed ultranationalism that can be seen across the west with the AFD, Donald Trump, Meloni, Marine Le Pen, Orban, etc. These people all align themselves with a sort-of ethno-nationalist undercurrent that a few years ago we may have called the “alt-right”. Even though figures like Richard Spencer or Milo Yiannopoulos may have fallen out of favour the ideology has never went away and now we see that kind of neo-fascist ethno-nationalism in more mainstream circles.

    Unionists fall within this bracket. They are aligned with the ethno-nationalism and pro-western chauvinism of these figures. The unionists have been aligned with right-wing politics for a long time, from their historical support of the Tories/DUP to their enforcement of “British cultural values” on unwilling participants the unionist movement has always been an inherently a right-wing one. So it’s severly unsurprising to see, in the event of racially motivated civil unrest, that the perpetrators are from that particular group. It’s right on brand for them, it’s never been any different.

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