‘Everything in Britain is collapsing’ as EU nationals flock back to continent

‘Everything in Britain is collapsing’ as EU nationals flock back to continent


by 1DarkStarryNight

  1. Brexiteers, you didn’t vote to end immigration. You voted to change immigration.

    Now you get non-europeans, permanently.

    Respect for making suc a progressive choice. I’m sure you’re all thrilled.

  2. It’s been this way for a few years, the combination of lockdown and Brexit combined with huge cost of living increases has made it very difficult to live.

    We are much poorer off for it.

  3. And yet all of the shit jobs are still minimum wage and still agency and still even zero or very low hours contracts.

    Somehow rents are going up, somehow prices are going up, somehow our hospitals haven’t emptied out.

    It’s like all of the promises of brexit have been utter lies.

    There’s been no new trade deals of any significant worth. Anything new has been neutral at best. There’s extra burdens in trading with the EU.

  4. I live in the SE of London and things to seem a little bit worse every day in all aspects of life. Everything is full and you are always at the back of a long queue for everything.

  5. I cannot hide my distain for leave voters, including my dad. Absolute idiots. Wankers.

  6. I’m a white Brit and honestly I can’t wait to join them. I’m going back to education this year, to study for a career I have no interest in, purely to have a skill valuable/in demand enough to not be an obstacle to migrating to the mainland. There’s gonna be a whole lot of brain drain in this country in the coming years.

  7. Great Britain. A salutary tale of the consequences of allowing muppets into polling booths.

  8. Dunno what to do now. My wife is chinese and has come here to live with me. I’m actually weighing up uk va china which I never would’ve imagined a decade ago

  9. I’ve been living here for 12 years. I move to London without really thinking about it. I had a great time. But if it was today, I wouldn’t do it.

  10. Leaving aside the politics, I look around me and I don’t see “everything” “collapsing”

    In fact, it’s probably better than when I was growing up in the ’80s.

  11. Lockdowns, Brexit, greater regulations and ever-increasing welfare expenses, all lowered our capacity to create and make us poorer. We are going to need a Milei, or a Thatcher to get us out of this mess.

  12. Read Russell Jones “The Decade in Tory” and its sequel. Because you (i) forget all the crap the Tories did (ii) and the things hidden you didn’t know.

    The point is the Tories hollowed out Britain and did everything they think a body could do but only left you with parts of a skeleton. No muscle mass, no organs, no functioning system – just the appearance of one and not even that if you had to use it.

    To blame Starmer for over a decade of Tory destruction is the most stupid thing you can do.

  13. French national here. Been living with my French gf in London for 5 years now. We’re planning to leave in 3 years – we will have saved enough for a flat in France. But that was kind of always the plan anyway. However it is true that most of the French people I knew in London have left since 2021.

  14. I don’t blame them, if I could I would leave. The irony is that this response validates the riots and achieves the puppet masters aims.

  15. Haha since when has journalism changed to Internet clickbait? Such a ridiculous headline.

  16. This sounds good like emigration. I imagine the article is tripe though.
    Obviously some have already left, because people move around, so it could be 3 or 300,000, but don’t tell us.
    It’s now easy to go back to an enriched Poland but harder to come here than before Brexit, which was part of the plan.

  17. It’s quite ironic how much animosity exists among people here regarding issues like Brexit, while the real source of our frustration often goes unaddressed. People direct their anger at each other for their differing opinions or beliefs, yet they fail to recognize that the true culprits behind their discontent are the politicians who perpetuate division and sow discord for their own gain. These leaders often prioritize their interests over those of the constituents they are meant to serve, feeding the public a steady diet of empty promises.

  18. So the source of “EU nationals flocking back” is a friend of someone in a Tweet?

    Also from the same account: “We completed the 10-chapter series of our podcast, “You are not so great, Britain”, “. Left UK after 17 yrs due to Brexit. ”

    Despite them leaving all they seem to talk about is the UK.


  19. A friend works for Queen’s University in Belfast and it’s just been constant calls from international students asking wtf they’re supposed to do.

    Genuinely fucking heartbroken for them. They didn’t sign up for this moronic horseshit.

  20. Am I missing something with this article? It’s only 2 people giving their opinions on Britain? How is anecdotal evidence from two people worth an article? I was expecting data showing an uptick in people leaving for the EU. There’s bloody nothing here!

  21. I find people who voted for Brexit have now fallen into two categories:
    * those who regret voting for Brexit for being sucked into a false dream
    * those who double down and blame any failure on the EU and globalisation

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