This is how danish sounds to a swede

This is how danish sounds to a swede

by Any_Ideal9642

  1. Dude looks like he’s just explaining his super secret plan for world domination Austin Powers style.

  2. That’s right. Speak Danish, and the girls will be all over you. Just look at them, all of them giving him their full attention. He can pick any of them.

  3. I love Denmark because they have a similar relationship with their bigger neighbour to us.

    🇩🇪🇸🇪, come give us shit while being the least culturally and historically relevant countries in the Union

  4. The actual name of it is as unpronounceable as the fake English lyrics


  5. Sweden please, oh no, so insulting, I can’t even relax in my no-gun-crime neighborhood when you’re being such bad boys. Oh wait, your gun slinging kids are staring to actually come here and do their shenanigans! Time to blow the bridge

  6. I was playing Xbox with my fellow yanks and some Barry’s, and some kid from Scotland got on and this is what he sounded like.

    This is also what the Aussies sound like to the rest of us with their made up words. “Since me last harvo”. Bogans, the whole lot of ya

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