Millennium bridge

Millennium bridge

by djcisiais

  1. Just saw these going off in the distance from my flat – assume they’re just trying to spook people?

  2. It was super loud. Would be great to know what it was about. I’d be surprised if it was far right protesting there.

  3. The only info apart from here and Twitter are loads of red fireworks and flares being set off on the bridge from three weeks ago, reported in Mirror and Metro and Express.

    Why aren’t there more reports from the public if it’s happening now?

  4. anniversary for mc alger apparently, same thing happened in dublin and seen a man on twitter say it was cuz of that

  5. They shut the play at the globe early because of this and moved everyone to the basement

  6. I had to do a bit of digging but I believe I’ve found out what the reason was. Fans of an Algerian football club, MC Alger, go crazy for their birthday celebrations every year which falls on the 7th August.

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