US-Außenministerium: Ukraine hat nicht vor Aktionen in der russischen Oblast Kursk gewarnt, das verstößt nicht gegen US-Politik

US-Außenministerium: Ukraine hat nicht vor Aktionen in der russischen Oblast Kursk gewarnt, das verstößt nicht gegen US-Politik

  1. If Ukraine keeps this up, they might get an invite to a James Bond movie.

  2. It turns out if you just make Russian territory, *Ukrainian* territory, you can use US weapons there without issue.

    Dictators hate this one weird trick.

  3. Good. I am sure Putin is “pleased” hearing that from state department official and I hope his blood pressure shoot up high enough for him to go see doctor.

  4. Everyone who hasn’t scrambled their brain with pro-Russia propaganda already knows it’s not the US pushing Ukraine into war but rather, at most, holding them back from doing more than the US would like.

    What we are seeing yesterday and today is what Ukraine wants to do because it sees that the only thing Russia understands is force, like punching a bully in the face.

  5. > “…sometimes we’re in communication about it, sometimes we’re not. **It’s appropriate for them to make those decisions,”** Miller stated.

    This reads like an implicit green-light for further developments inside Russia. Hopefully Biden, Sullivan, Blinken, etc, can just let this slide into the primary, overarching policy.

  6. Good. Too many people in US government are supportive of Putin, anyway (looking at you, Insurrectionists).

  7. Having a policy on where Ukraine can use weapons is so incredibly wrong. It implies that we can tell them what to do, and that we ARE approving where they do strike, as well as where they don’t. Completely ass-ended to take on any semblance of responsibility, without actual control.

    The correct way is, here, have some weapons. They’re yours now. Your weapons, to do your war, in your way, against targets you choose and are responsible for. Hope it helps, good luck, and till the next shipment, bye!

  8. Why would we be opposed to Ukraine defending themselves in a war where they’ve been under attack for more than 2 years.

    Maybe those people in Kursk feel like they’re more culturally aligned to Ukraine and want to be annexed.

  9. Please annex some Russian regions like what Israel did in 6 days war. It’s going to be fun for the international laws.

  10. Why would they ask the US? to be shut down by the cowards in the government? Keep doing what you do Ukraine.

  11. Just when I didn’t think I could get even more surprised pikachu face… I got even more surprised pikachu faced

  12. The Ukrainians are just tourists.
    It’s not a real “insurrection”, I mean it’s not a real invasion.
    The Russians invited them.

  13. Did Russia care if they were violating US policy when they attacked and invaded Ukraine? Why should it matter in the reverse?

  14. They should take as much as they can then tell maybe Russia let’s negotiate. Give us our land back and we will give you your land back. I still don’t trust Russia as far as you can throw them.

  15. “If they’d asked we’d have said ‘no.'”

    “Are you angry that they didn’t ask you?”


  16. If Ukraine keeps this up, they can do Town/City exchanges like they do for prisoners. On a more serious note, I hope Ukraine has a plan for what they’re doing and it wasn’t just an attack of opportunity – they could really pivot this war in their favour (getting russia out sooner rather than later) if they play the cards right.

  17. Ukraine has every right to do whatever they have to do to try to stop the aggressors.

  18. I love what the US is doing here.

    “*What?!? Ukraine is pushing into Kursk?!? That’s crazy! We had no idea! Oh no! Anyways, since thats part of the front now theyre not breaking any of our rules. Sorry, Russia…*” 🤷‍♂️

  19. This is so hilarious how we play this game like we’re holding them back to look good.

    I’m pretty sure we don’t give a flying fuck what they wanna do.

  20. Ironically, 24 years ago on 12 August, Russia lost the Kursk at sea. Hopefully they totally loose that Oblast on the anniversary to either independence or Ukraine.

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