Russian in Kursk Region talks about encounter with Ukrainian Military

I'll keep it short. The guy pretty much said that the government buildings are destroyed. There are Ukrainian flags in the area. That there was military personal under ukranian flag. He tried to take pictures and videos but they saw him and spoke to him. Said they weren't rude but told him it is not allowed to take pictures and videos. When asked what happens now? The Ukrainian soldier told him to learn the language and the national anthem. At the end the guy said he doesn't care who's flag it is. If Russia can't protect them maybe Ukraine will.

by Dani_vic

  1. Only Ukrainians protecting anything in this war. Serfs are dying for Putin’s pride, which is a pathetic trade.

  2. >The Ukrainian soldier told him to learn the language and the national anthem.

    The referendum is going to be 99% in favor of joining Ukraine. I can’t wait.

    Russia can’t even protect their own borders, it’s a good thing that they have a generous neighbor that will protect their borders for them.

  3. Meatball is seeking for a new master. ” I dont care who holds the whip. Just protect me ” nothing more to say.
    / no Translation just my Interpretation

  4. Least Ukrainians didn’t shoot him when walking up like Russian soldiers would’ve done.

  5. “Said they weren’t rude but told him it is not allowed to take pictures and videos. When asked what happens now? The Ukrainian soldier told him to learn the language and the national anthem. At the end the guy said he doesn’t care who’s flag it is. If Russia can’t protect them maybe Ukraine will.”


  6. This could cause absolute pandemonium within russia if it’s able to spread. “Learn the language & the anthem”. 

    Let them panic, maybe they will see the similarities. I doubt they’ll put 2 and 2 together, but the more chaos in russia the better.

  7. Its crazy how little incursions like that throw a massive and bad message all across russia… after prygojin attempt, then the freedom russia one, now this one, all those throwbacks into their lands really fuck them

  8. The ruZZian is so cultured that he self-corrected (!) a slur: “Ukrops’ flag… Ukrainian flag”. Slave mentality is so deep that it takes one day of occupation to switch the programming 🙂

  9. this is so good, and also shows face, that I almost suspect that it’s actually an ukrainian trolling video. But whatever.

  10. WTF is it with the close captions? I heard him say Ukraine but the subs are gibberish.

  11. *”When asked what happens now? The Ukrainian soldier told him to learn the language and the national anthem.”*

    😀 😀 😀

  12. Very stupid to pull out your phone and start filming/talking into it out in public. Ukrainians may justifiably believe you to be reporting their locations.

  13. There is a tiktoker who is spreading lies about this. He said Ukrainians are deliberately attacking civilians and killed a pregnant lady. You can’t argue though, your comments get deleted

  14. Russian? There’s no Russia anymore. The Planning for the collapse is something the west is doing.

    So “Russians” is doing shit

  15. This is such a brilliant strategic move for Ukraine. For years, Russia has forced Ukraine to establish defensive lines along the Russian border to defend against Russian aggression, and now Russia is breaking itself against those fortifications. In the process, they have destroyed their capacity to wage offensive warfare, and recently in Kharkiv, they showed the limits of their offensive abilities.

    At this point Ukraine could try and counterattack, themselves falling prey to the companion fortifications Russia has built within Ukraine. Or they could take their counterattacking forces and simply attack deep into Russia where there are no fortifications and no concentrations of forces to get in their way. This opens up a lot of options for Ukraine, and presents a lot of hard choices for Russia, who is not as capable as they once were in extending the front lines.

    If Ukraine can invade and construct fortifications, Russia is screwed. They will have to break themselves against Ukrainians inside Russia, and they will have to devastate their own cities in the process. This will take lots of troops and military assets that Russia has not planned on using. Where will they get them from? How will they equip and protect them? How will it affect their ability to protect the rest of their gains in Ukraine? It’s a long way from Kursk to Crimea. They can’t protect all that airspace with S400s without losing all their S400s to HARM missiles.

    On the other hand, Ukraine can play the same game Russia likes to play, and hold Russian territory hostage in peace negotiations. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, and Ukraine is smart enough to realize that they will need some chips to negotiate with. There is a ton of open space past the Russian border where the Ukrainian military can advance quickly and seize all the tactical positions in the region with little risk – and seize Russian military assets too, since they are not well fortified from external threats and can be surrounded and cut-off. They can greatly outpace the slow Russian territorial advances and force Russia to come to the peace table with a lot less leverage. One prize would be the nuclear plant in Kursk, which would equalize the nuclear power dynamic in Zaporizhzhia, and might be the first physical territory that Russia and Ukraine would agree to exchange. Another prize would be ammo depots and equipment storage facilities that can be repurposed for use against the Orcs. Wagner showed how easy it could be. Ukraine is just following their plan with a lot more resources and support. Slava Ukraini!

  16. So I assumed people calling for a referendum in Kursk were joking, but do people living there actually want to join Ukraine?

  17. Thanks for the translation. My Russian is limited to “Stoj. Ruki vverh”, plus the usual cultural expressions.

  18. Hope this colonist rotten to the core country will fall sooner than later 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

  19. Ukraine just needs to make sure the Ukranian people in the Kursk region are protected. Certainly Russia can understand that motivation.

  20. I personally believe Ukraine is trying to stop the Russian’s slow but steady advance. It could force russia to change focus and try to retake those towns in Kursk.

    I was wondering… could this also help Ukrainians to show their nort the Nazis Putin claim they are… if they aren’t hostile to the locals… maybe Russians will finally realise… Ukraine ain’t what their government said they were? Just wondering… food for thought.

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