Trump seems like he’s ‘telegraphing that he knows he’s going to lose’: MSNBC host Wallac

Trump seems like he’s ‘telegraphing that he knows he’s going to lose’: MSNBC host Wallac

Posted by Cute-Perception2335

  1. He’s probably counting on rogue state legislatures and SCOTUS to appoint him king.

  2. Yup, it’s all going as planned. Democrats are all united that Biden will not run, and they are told the best ticket is to run Harris and Walz. The election is in the bag.

  3. The individual in question exhibits behaviors deemed unconventional and is identified as lacking societal value.

  4. I’m here watching the second Harris/Walz rally of the day. Meanwhile, where’s Trump? Probably worn down and tired. Sad! 😏

  5. He may be dumb as a sack of wet dog turds (and smell about the same) but the guy has weirdly good political instincts. If he thinks he’s going to lose we should listen to him.

  6. This is known as ‘sundowning’. Very common in older folks, especially those undergoing narcissistic collapse.

  7. And JD getting caught torturing those neighborhood cats as a teenager should help things along. So weird.

  8. Of course he’s going to lose and of course he’s going to act like a spoiled baby when he does.

  9. He already telegraphed this when he once again started with the ..if I lose, they cheated

  10. But he has already started the “2024 election was rigged” whining.

    The 2024 election won’t be rigged. It will be decided by real legitimate voters voting against weirdo lying treasonous sexually predatory felons who have bad policies that American’s hate.

  11. He will burn the GOP to the ground with his upcoming demise, so that is a good thing.

  12. He doesn’t care, his minions plan on making sure he wins no matter what.

  13. He’s telegraphing “start the political violence”. Because it’s a loose loose situation, we either get him as president or we get some trouble.

  14. But he’s going to win a new studio apartment with the potential to earn cigarettes. So that’s something.

  15. I’ve seen no ads from him, whereas I had prior to the events of the past few months. Red state too, not sure if that matters, but he is missing considerably when I am seeing a lot of Harris ads. Several today even.

  16. He’s completely losing what’s left of his mind. I watched a brief clip of some of his last rallies and *what the actual fuck are the people in the crowds clapping and cheering about?!*

    He’s unhinged, completely disconnected from reality

    The crazy bastard is just rambling like a schizophrenic caught in the grips of a severe delusional episode.

  17. Impossible. The human race’s most perfect specimen of ultimate winner-ness is infallible and just needs a couple hamberders, a fresh diaper, and maybe a teenager or two for non-rape Epstein massage rapes and he’ll be right back on top. You’ll see

  18. He always telegraphs. I told everyone I knew he would try to stay in power and he did. He knew he would lose in 2020 that’s why he was making up b.s. about mail in voting, while being a mail in voter!

  19. No money , no new verbal diarrhea, knows he will have to answer for his actions in 5-6 criminal cases, knows he’s playing 100 plus million in 1 case and 600 million in another. Those are the least of his problems.
    Not 1 thing different all his life . Fucks over everyone and eventually it catches up to him. This is only the beginning.

  20. Man Biden got him so good, this is delicious. I would not be the least but surprised if Biden stepping down had been planned well in advance, in anticipation of Trump and the RNC selecting a VP and all the other convention BS. Play it up Joe, forcefully go forth that it would take the almighty to have you step down. See then, you pick Vance to gloat, and make mistakes, and get too cocky, then Dark Brandon pulls his biggest fake out, and drops out. Kamala has been prepping for this for months I bet, just look at the coordinated messaging and shifts of resources. It was all too smooth, he gotcha DonOLD.

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