Russia alleges ‘large scale’ Ukrainian incursion in Kursk region | DW News

Russia alleges ‘large scale’ Ukrainian incursion in Kursk region | DW News

Russia’s southwestern Kursk region has declared a state of emergency after a major cross-border incursion by Ukrainian forces. Russian President Vladimir Putin described the incursion as a large-scale provocation. Ukraine has not commented on the claims from Russia.

00:00 Russia’s President Putin accuses Ukraine of cross-border attack
00:50 Interview with Frank Ledwidge, Senior lecturer in strategic studies at Portsmouth University, and a former UK military intelligence officer

#ukrainewar #russiaukrainewar #putin


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  1. I realize this seems absurd and perhaps it is, however I cannot take seriously a man who professes to be a military expert who speaks to a prominent news agency in a damn polo shirt. He dresses childlike. Is this deeper or just a a reflection of a larger societal disintegration?

  2. Well it might be to gain negotiating ground. But it also pulls russian troops away from the front line and lowers their morel, they wont want to be blocked in. if ukraine can take enough ground along the border they can cut off the supply chains and create a pincer effect for the russian troops in ukrain they will have to fight from two sides with limited equipment or supplies forcing them to surender or retreat. Thats if ukraine can pull it off.
    Or ukraine could advance deeper into russia and try to take the capital. Russia seems to have sent the majority of its force into ukraine leaving russia unprotected whcih is why prigozhin got so far unchallenged, putin is relying on nuclear deterant to protect his country.
    Wouldnt that be funny if ukeaine manage to take the russian capital because putin left it unprotectected. Although something tells me putin would use tactical nuclear weapons before that happened even if it destroyed his own country.

  3. In my opinion, these Ukraine forces are NATO regulars that have been properly uniformed and strategically injected to provoke a reaction from Putin, that extracts intelligence for NATO’s long term plans, using the F-16’s and multi pronged tactics to “ poke the bees nest “

  4. Had anyone even thought about the timing of this all?. Putin caved in for the prisoner swap. Maybe the Sanctions/international /domestic pressure is hurting him more than we know?. He was adamant about not releasing prisoners, now he did. Maybe Ukraine knows this and is just exploiting a weakness right now?. Chess not Checkers?

  5. Ukrainian military is completely lost and has no idea what to do. They had more chance to survive while defending than attacking

  6. Mr. Putin… the major incursion and provocation happened the day you invaded Ukraine ! It's about time you get a taste of your own medicine !

  7. There at war why not invade? they 're just trying to defend themselves. Maybe the Russian people will pressure Putin or kick him out. This should have happened sooner

  8. ….2025 год Украина войдёт в рублёвую зону
    Крещатик переименуют в улицу В. Жириновского
    Чубайс вернётся в Россию
    Труп Зеленского найдут в мусорном баке под Барселоной
    Дональд Трамп получит Нобелевскую премию Мира !
    Борис Джонсон усыновит инопланетянина
    Макрон бросит свою бабушку
    Президент России станет человеком года по версии журнала ТАЙМ……

  9. Ukraine needs to take and hold as much Russian territory as possible. Then, negotiate peace with Russia. and exchange Each other's territory back.

  10. Ohh boy what happed … oh now I remember they started worse all over their borders with Afghanistan Chechnya Georgia, and now someone is kicking their butt

  11. What a bunch of nonsense! The Yook-rain is desperate and looking for a feeble way to gain the upper hand. This force doesn’t look very big and will be eliminated shortly. Stop gaslighting the people in the false hopes of turning the tide against Russia! 😂

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