Bilder der neuen F-16-Kampfjets der Ukraine und ihrer Waffen lassen erahnen, was die US-Kampfjets als Erstes gegen die Russen tun könnten

Bilder der neuen F-16-Kampfjets der Ukraine und ihrer Waffen lassen erahnen, was die US-Kampfjets als Erstes gegen die Russen tun könnten

  1. I wish Yahoo was blocked from here, they only have shitty syndicated articles

    IIRC the AMRAAM and Sidewinder will be part of the standard loadout due to the environment they’re being flown in, air to ground munitions may be loaded in addition

  2. They will start by staying in flight for more than a few minutes at a time and actually having parts to repair them.

  3. It’s about to get real. I have to see the dog fights but the media seems to not want to cover this war for some reason.

    How will Russia react to this? Going to be super interesting.

  4. Even promised 80 F-16 many times less than need for confrontation with 300-400 of Russian ones.

    Up to 10 F-16 in 2024 year, predominantly with old radars, do not leave other options that the fighters will be used mostly as air defense.

    Of course, they will be used also to launch long-range missiles and glide bombs, but both also could be launched from soviet aircraft, which, as I know, use them much less often than potentially could used.

  5. I know people wanted the Gripen or other Advanced fighters but really F-16s were the way to go. There’s a half dozen active users of them in Europe and the rest are donating theirs to Ukraine. Add in the amount of US F-16s in Europe and you have a nearly infinite supply of replacement parts and munitions for the Ukrainian Air-force now.

  6. I really recommend the interview that Professor Justin Bronk of the Royal United Services Institute did a week ago with the YouTube channel *Military Aviation History*. It was really easy to follow and was very informative about the strengths and limitations of the F16 being deployed to Ukraine.

  7. Until they can limit Russias dominance in the air, CAS roles only expose the F-16’s to unnecessary risk. CAS depends on having control of yhe airspace.

  8. They should be able to engage the Russians without even having to see them. But just think how many billions the US will be spending each time one of these sends munitions down range.

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