Map of Ukrainian advances confirmed by the Institute for the Study of War. Continuation of mechanized advances in several directions during August 7, 2024.

by Hotrico

  1. The more they take, the more they’ll have to trade back to recover their own land. Great strategy!

  2. There is no Ukrainians there. It’s a rebellion by oppressed Kursk people who want to overthrow imperialistic Moscow rule and establish the Kursk People’s Republic.

  3. Putler must be changing his diaper hourly at this rate. Mile after mile Russia is losing territory to the Ukraine now, and they have no idea what to do now. If the French truly send in support then taking Kursk is on the table… Voronezh next? 💙🇺🇦🌻♥️🇮🇱💛

  4. This is great – we know atleast 100 captured russians – some reports say 300 – they should attack the border guards more often.

    However what is the end goal here?

  5. I’m going to have to call my doctor for having an erection for more than 8 hours

  6. The psychological effect cannot be underestimated

    Russia cannot Whine

    Because they started this fight

    Payoff is Russians see Russia is not the powerful purveyor of strength

    Weakness exposed

    A personal insult to Putin himself

  7. And just think how a month ago Ukrainę was preparing for a possible Russian advance / front in sumy…how the tables have turned …Putin must be plotting window toss scenarios in Moscow!

  8. Be pretty funny if it started with a couple of tanks and a platoon going to rob a Russian bank of a bunch of gold (old movie reference)

    But, seriously – fuck them up Ukraine!

  9. Has anyone changed the official wikipedia page to indicate that Kursk and the Oblast(surrounding area) is in fact a city in Ukraine? Kind of feel that needs to be done soon to reflect the truth of the situation

  10. Ukraine took this in 2 days for how much land Ukraine took it would have took Russia just about a month to even come close what a wild time we are in boys

  11. If they take the Kursk nuclear power plant

    A gigantic bargaining chip

    Russia must weaken black sea fronts to defend the motherland


  12. So I’ve heard various numbers, the highest being 350 square miles, approximately the size of Dallas, Texas. That’s a pretty big haul, if true.

  13. Looks like they’re halfway into Sudhza. I guess they just walked over the Russian field fortifications. Those conscripts should wisely surrender.

  14. All the way at the bottom of the ISW report it states Chechen tik tok brigade took heavy losses at koronevo.

  15. You need a good amount of manpower to hold those locations as well. The frontline continues to get longer. Both armies are stretched a lot.

  16. I wonder if Ukraine will hold this position like crazy because of the historical value (battle of Kursk in 1943) and play it just like the Russians did in Stalingrad

  17. sends a strong message to the russian people that putin can’t even provide them security as forces can cross the border easily. Should reinforce that putin is a chronic/pathological liar.

    Slava Ukraini!

  18. I hope they have some plan, because to be honest it looks more like a PR move invented by UA politicians. Those soldiers are much more needed on eastern front right now, especially in Kramatorsk region. At least that is what I think. There was a video 16km from the Kramatorsk where some workers were preparing place for some flowers and shit with excavators. WTF, they should use those excavators to prepare trenches and defense lines etc… It felt surreal to me when I saw it. Kramatorsk is most attacked place on eastern front right now. I hope I am wrong though, but I don’t see anything to gain here except some PR bullshit… When politicians command their military it always ends badly and unfortunately I think it is the case here…

    Now you can downvote me, because nobody here want to hear unpleasant things.

    Edit: ofc I might be wrong, if they destroy gas feeder (or oil, I don’t remember what is there exactly, I just know there are two pipelines crossing and joining) or take nuclear power plant then it is worth it. But it is highly unlikely…

  19. how nice, russia is finally getting that buffer zone they wanted….

    … but there is a nuance…

  20. What is Russia, for real? I’m an armchair observer at best, but what have the last two years exposed?

  21. Its just a special military operation hard to tell if Ukraine is even involved could be random little green men.

  22. I think it’s smart. Capture RU territories so you can “swap” them back to RU in exchange for Crimea and the Donbass.

  23. I wonder when the USA is going to tell them they need to pull back. I am sure that maybe has already happened

  24. Question is this more captured land then the Russian Kharkiv offensive?? Does anyone got the specific amount

  25. Legit silly question: How does taking Russian territory help the Ukrainian cause? I thought the goal was to kick Russia out of Ukrainian sovereign, land, not occupy Russia? Does this not weaken Ukrainian’s moral high ground?

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