Against all odds: disabled Ukrainian M2 Bradley surrounded by countless Russian vehicles

Against all odds: disabled Ukrainian M2 Bradley surrounded by countless Russian vehicles

by Korean_Name

  1. The Bradley honestly doesn’t even look in that bad of a condition and might otherwise be salvageable

  2. Went down swinging. Hopefully the lads got out of the Bradley and made it back to the friendly lines

  3. Is that a Stryker off the side of the road? Definitely an 8 wheeled vehicle and not BTR wheels.

  4. lol, charge a Bradley forward, let it get disabled, then FPV every RUS vehicle that approaches it in hopes of a snapshot.

    *”That Bradley… uh-uhn… that’s bait.”*

  5. That Bradley really fucked up a lot of Ruzzian shit. I hope all of the crew got out safely!

    Heroiam Slava!

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