jeeeesus, I hope he's ok…

Posted by backhand_english

  1. His head bounced a bit there. That’s not a good sign but I’ve seen people in far worse shape pull through well. Hope he’s ok.

  2. Fuck me, he *smashed* the back of his head on the track. Definitely knocked out, hopefully nothing worse than that but goddamn that was ugly.

  3. *fall… can the mods correct thetypo in the title?

    p.s. excuse the cat sounds, it appears she is worried too.

  4. ): understandably they wouldn’t show a replay. They said he had to be brought out by a stretcher. But crazy to see what happened. That looked like a bad fall.

  5. I had a severe concussion in January. I now have post-concussion syndrome because I still have some lasting symptoms. I never had a clue that “just” a concussion could still be so devastating. I hope he’s okay.

  6. He was just putting on his final kick too. Would have probably been in medal contention, but that burst of speed turned into a nasty faceplant. Looks like he went down pretty hard and the commentators were saying he had to be carted off the field. Hopefully, he recovers quickly.

  7. Ooh it’s hard to see him fall right on his head. I heard he had to be stretched out. This is so sad to see, I hope he’ll be okay and recover well.

  8. Ouuuuch. Hope he’s ok. Must have been a little tough for the ensuing runners too to avoid him.

  9. Just watched this and scrambled around the internet to see if he was ok. Hopefully it’s not as bad as it looked and he has a full recovery!

  10. I saw this on Twitter “🚨 Update on Athlete Lamecha Girma 🚨

    He took a hard fall and has not fully regained consciousness yet. Currently, he has been taken to the hospital for treatment. While it’s not life-threatening, he will need some time to recover, as mentioned by his coach.”

    But no news source – can anyone confirm?

  11. Man that looks painful. I hope he recovers soon.

    What’s the protocol for something like this if it was in the middle of the race rather than the last lap? Would they halt the race to allow the emergency responders to tend to him? He clearly couldn’t move on his own…

  12. Fingers crossed he’s alright. Looked really nasty. Doesn’t seem to be any official updates yet.

  13. I really hope he is ok. Does anyone know where is best to check for updates on him?

  14. Damn. I was really hoping he just didn’t move to avoid getting trampled by the rest of the field… I hope it’s not as bad as it sounds.

  15. L’équipe have just confirmed that he was unconscious on the track but has regained consciousness and is being checked over in hospital. Thank goodness!

  16. Just saw an update:

    New Update: Currently, he has been hospitalized for treatment. While the injury is not life-threatening, his coach has indicated that he will need some time to recover.

  17. Sad he really had the potential to win this. He had broken the world record last year.

  18. I was in the stands on the back straight, he was having a fit after he went down, it was horrible, I couldn’t watch the rest of the race, I pray he is ok

  19. And this folks is why I hate the Steeple chase. I remember my trailing leg heel clipped the steeple and I landed hard on my shoulder and head.

    The steeple chase is unforgiving. I hope he is okay.

  20. Was there in the stadium. It was an awful fall and he didn’t move after really. He was twitching his limbs in a way that looked possibly involuntary. Definitely looked in real trouble. The medics were with him for a while and then had to turn him over to put him on the stretcher. Really hope he’s ok.

  21. Was at the Olympics sitting in lower deck by pole vaulters when he fell. He was convulsing/twitching a bit on the track before the medics figured out something was wrong. Felt like forever. Happy to hear he is conscious.

  22. I was watching this rooting for him and expecting an Ethiopian 1,2,3. He was speeding up and then this happened.
    >“In 40 years of commentating running and the steeplechase, I have never seen a fall that heavy,”

    Diffey said solemnly as he signed off.

  23. From the CBC’s Devyn Heroux at 6:06pm ET

    “From journalist Romain Donneux, french media L’Equipe.

    He says he’s received information from Lamecha Girma’s team saying “he is conscious and he can speaking.”

    Credit to Romain for tracking down this information.”

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