Tim Walz’s Radical Democrat Agenda for America

Tim Walz’s Radical Democrat Agenda for America

Posted by StephensonB

  1. School lunches for “unemployed minors”

    Do they want all children to work or starve?

  2. As long as the couch is above the age of consent, it’s nobody’s business. It should just be the business of Vance and the couch alone.

  3. It’s mild sad that I can’t tell if this is a satire or not being Fox News is actually diarrhea in an attempt to be “news”

  4. School Lunches for Unemployed Minors?? Taxes on Couches??? This is a parody, right?

    Do you need more proof which demonstrates that Faux is entertainment and NOT news???

  5. I approve Walz’s message which is the same as democratic socialists countries like Switzerland, Norway, Canada and Costa Rica where people arr much happier and taken care of. The GOPs agenda is to brainwash certain people from wanting what is best for them.

  6. Is this actually something they showed? I mean, these policies seem, dare I say, not-so-weird. 

  7. Unsupervised women making decisions? Unemployed minors? Oh dear God what will these radicals want next? I imagine you can create these all day long and each would be funnier than the last.

  8. Seems dangerously popular agenda. Probably most people in the Midwest, maybe the whole country would approve most or all of that wild liberal stuff, what next automatic voter registration for ALL citizens ?

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