They just get it fr

They just get it fr

by Venus_Ziegenfalle

  1. Maybe I’m too close to the fire and somebody could explain this to me.

    An expat once told me that The Netherlands is the ideal country to live in as an autistic person and I still am not sure on why exactly that is.

  2. Not really sure what this means, but I’ll incorporate it into my worldview

  3. If some of your greatest historical figures aren’t obviously autistic are you really even a civilization? Even Italy has produced such autists as Dante Alighieri, Da Vinci. England has Issac newton. Germany and the Dutch have every single city planner, and just open any French philosophy book and you will see very autistic writer(or a pedophile but we don’t have to talk about that)

  4. Other Nordicks should also be included in this brotherhood, while Belgians decided to take it one step further and mix it with a bit of French to go 100% autistic

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