Israel an die USA: Angriffe der Hisbollah auf Zivilisten werden mit unverhältnismäßigen Vergeltungsmaßnahmen rechnen müssen

Israel an die USA: Angriffe der Hisbollah auf Zivilisten werden mit unverhältnismäßigen Vergeltungsmaßnahmen rechnen müssen

  1. As it should. Israel is known for disproportionate response to attacks. It’s not new news. I don’t want to see any hezbollah/lebanese protests when the living shit gets bombed out of them. They were warned before hand. I don’t have any sympathy for those crying about the publicized consequences of their actions.

  2. That’s odd, Netanyahu has previously only been a seeker of peace. How out of character of him. /S

  3. The comments are always baffling to me. People hold Israel to the most absurd standards I’ve ever seen. They may as well be saying “We think Israel should take another 100,000 rockets from Hamas and do nothing even after the worst terrorist attack in the world’s history when accounting for population” and “Israel should do nothing despite deliberate attacks on civilian populations by people who want to literally erase all Jews.” You guys are an uneducated clown show that will say anything as long as it goes with your “Israel bad” mentality while refusing to look at facts like Israel maintains one of the lowest civilian casualty rates of all full scale urban warfare.

  4. What don’t people get about never again? Israel HAS to be this way. There’s no such thing as a perfect war. And the second Israel shows any weakness, their enemies will not hesitate to attack and their goal is complete demolition of the entire country and everyone living inside it

  5. No surprise, Israel will destroy all water wells in Lebanon just like it did in Gaza to make Lebanon uninhabitable. If the Israeli government insists that is has the moral obligation to starve the entire population of Gaza to death, then it also has the moral obligation to kill the entire population of Lebanon.

  6. All the people cheering this on noting that Israel is known for disproportionate attacks.

    If that’s the case and the attacks continue, isn’t this an indicator that said attacks don’t work?

  7. Israel suddenly cares about civilians?  Oh wait, no, only if they’re Israeli.  

  8. I can’t wait to pay for more innocent people to be blown up. Woohoo.

    Ship out anyone who doesn’t want to die, then let who’s ever left do whatever they want to each other. When the last person is dead let the people who moved out move back in if they want and live in peace.

  9. Good. The point of overwhelming firepower is that you will use it when necessary – don’t make it necessary or face the consequences.

    Terrorism is a cancerous plague on modern society, it’s incompatible. If the only way to deal with terrorists is overwhelming force, then there should be no question about the course of action no matter what nation it comes from.

  10. The Allies used disproportionate force to rid the world of nazism. Millions of german civilians died. New war. Same enemy.

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