Russian Disinformation Provokes Scandal at Paris Olympics and Riots in Britain

Russian Disinformation Provokes Scandal at Paris Olympics and Riots in Britain

by UNITED24Media

  1. Once again I ask: why are the cables connecting our Internet to Russia still not cut?

  2. I just do not get why Russia isn’t enduring an absolute tsunami of misinformation, disinformation, and cyber-attacks from NATO and other countries. It very much seems to be one-way traffic. Even if it’s ‘cold’ it’s still war. Are we to wait until our air-control, healthcare, and financial systems, are completely and maybe irretrievably damaged or destroyed?

  3. “Our English-language digital media platform aims to offer insightful and engaging content on the ongoing war with Russia, and Ukraine’s history, people, technology, business, and culture.”

    So if you do it is alright but if I do it it’s disinformation? I guess it makes sense.

    And by Russia, surely there isnt ANYONE else in this world that could stand to benefit from this rhetoric yes…

  4. US elections getting closer, it was expected of Kremlin to ramp up on sowing chaos, especially now that they are not 100% in the bag since Biden dropped out.

    If Democrats hold strong in the US, Russia will have to secure other pressure points across the globe to manipulate. Hopefully once the election dust settles, they are met with a hard resistance, but I’m not holding my breath. For better or for worse, the ways to deal with mad kossaks are a bit more direct.

  5. Weren’t Poles warning the whole world about ruzzians mischevious nature and their tactics for ages?
    Yeah, I know we (EU) did call Poles “rusofobes” pre 2014 but now we know it was also a part of ruzzian propaganda machine and everybody just felt into that as ruzzian dirty tentacles seems to be everywhere and in most media outlets and platforms…

  6. Ah, opinion article from foreign government-run agency bot talking about disinformation. What an irony.

  7. Article from Ukrainian government media is of course not propaganda at all. They’ll blame everything on Putin and Russia.

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