Remember the old Biden/Obama meme template…?

Remember the old Biden/Obama meme template…?

Posted by robaato72

  1. I really like the team. Globally, I think they are a good reflection of our diverse country. I wonder what most of thr world leaders are thinking.

    Putin will be hate filled and plotting.

    KJU will be sad he doesn’t get his ass kissing old man back.

  2. Oh my god. Are we bringing back Barack and Joe memes from the ancient before times? Glorious

  3. “I’ll be waiting on the debate stage, so fight your natural urges, J.D., get *off* the couch, and come.”

  4. Vance is worried about his wife cheating on him. He walked in and caught her sitting on an ottoman.

  5. One thing’s for sure: he won’t AD VANCE. Get it? Kamala, you still on the line?

  6. Lol why does it look like already a 20 yrs pixelated meme? Haha more resolution plz. But yeah good format lol

  7. Lol this is Gold

    Edit: Add – does someone have a higher resolution of this ? The text seems blurry to me.

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