We live in a simulation

We live in a simulation

by Adam-Miller-02

  1. jokes aside fair play to the guy fair play to the guy for the effort he’s put in

  2. They’re not even trying to hide that they want to take over, they’ll have to fight the Mallööö folks first

  3. > It’s past 3.30pm when Euronews interviews Thompson and he says that, although everyone has gone home because the working day is over, he is still in the office.

    Pedro suddenly feeling vulnerable to conquest.

  4. He seems to put in a lot of effort to truly be part of the local community, if he keeps learning first the Mallorquín dialect of Catalan and later Castilian and has it in his plans to naturalize as a Spaniard I would consider him just as Spanish as anyone else.

  5. If all the dutch tourists here made a dutch mayor win I’d jump in a pool naked

    Please GUNS invade us please I beg you please replace our mayors you caravan dickheads

  6. Més is the local progressive-catalanist-ecologist-anitourism-perroflauta party

  7. UK invading our coasts, Morocco invading the interior… we are doomed, fellow Pedros.

  8. Not even the first guiri nor the first town where they integrate and make it into different echelons of local governments. It is hard not to give the warmest welcome to people willing to work to improve your community.

  9. There was a small town in Germany that had a mayor from Scotland but he had to leave office the day brexit came into effect because only EU citizens can hold elected municipal offices.

    So I guess this guy is either a naturalised Spanish citizen or somewhere found an Irish passport in his drawer.

  10. I bet it’s going to improve.

    I’m currently living in Spain and the mayor of this town is the most incompetent person I’ve seen in my life.

    All he does is organize parties and events, meanwhile the infrastructure is decaying and trash is everywhere.
    People don’t mind because there are parties almost every two days.
    It’s insane. It’s like the people that manage the town have never lived in a community in their lives.

    I could do a better job than him and clean up this town, I would end all parties immediately.

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