Erdbeben in Japan: Starkes Beben der Stärke 6,9 ​​erschüttert Japan, Tsunami-Warnung ausgegeben

Erdbeben in Japan: Starkes Beben der Stärke 6,9 ​​erschüttert Japan, Tsunami-Warnung ausgegeben

  1. Always solid size quakes in Japan coming from someone who lives in Southern California.

  2. Hoping the best for Japan.

    They’ve been real unlucky with earthquakes in 2024, with a 7.5 magnitude one as well earlier this year

  3. For those who didn’t read the article, it has been upgraded to magnitude 7.1.

    Some cities & towns in Kochi, Miyazaki, Oita, Ehime & Kagoshima prefectures are included in the tsunami alert. Some are expected to be hit at around 8:30pm (Japan time). The tsunami is expected to be below 1m high.

  4. I have a friend in Japan. She’s fine. But it’s not just earthquakes that have been killing Japanese people.

    The tsunami warning is out, and a lot of people in the area are moving too higher ground.

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