Adam Britton: British croc expert jailed for sexual abuse of dogs

Adam Britton: British croc expert jailed for sexual abuse of dogs

by kassiusx

  1. Thought it was crocs as in footwear until I read the article. A man in crocs shagging dogs.

  2. Including 4 counts of accessing child abuse material. Wow, what a well rounded pervert.

  3. I dont know why people are saying not to read, it doesn’t give any details.

    The sexual abuse side isn’t even relevant tbh. He tortured and killed dogs, including puppies.

    And had child porn.

    He’s an utter degenerate.

  4. I’ve read a bit about this guy, and 10 years is nowhere near long enough. He’s dangerous *as fuck*. A true psychopath. I can’t imagine a day is ever going to come where he is safe to be in the community.

  5. “and he looked upon the world and saw that it was *still depraved*.”

    Fuck stories like this.

  6. Why was this fucker given such a short sentence and also why just limit him to not own mammals in the future. He’ll be taking the teeth out of snakes and using them as a fleshlight.

  7. Perhaps a more fitting punishment would be to make him try and shag a crocodile

  8. Sat at the breakfast table, drinking tea, eating toast, and reading news articles to my mum. Probably should’ve stopped reading this one.

  9. That sentence feels wrong. I would detain him under mental health act (or what the Aussie equivalent is) as I fail to believe he can be rehabilitated

  10. What’s been going on in England recently, holy shit, glad I left when did

  11. When you are in a competition for “Hiring sexual criminal weirdos” and your opponent is BBC.

  12. I’ve been aware of this story for a few years and it’s a great example of my justification for the death penalty:

    – abhorrent crime
    – undisputed / indisputable evidence
    – admission from the culprit
    – absolutely beyond redemption.

    Hang him and let everyone see the consequences of his depravity.

    To the no-chin virgins: down vote all you want, it doesn’t change my position.

  13. what a truly awful excuse of a human being.

    Going from what I read about him elsewhere this sick behaviour and desire will never leave him. He should he closely monitored when he gets out for life

  14. This is the guy who tortured 9 puppies and their mum, right? I remember reading the description of what he did and it made me sick. What he did to them was just utterly depraved.

  15. CROCHUNTER – I’m gonna sneak up on it and jam my thumb in it’s Butthole

  16. I opened Reddit with some modest optimism. It looks like the riots are starting to run out of steam. Maybe we can get back to normal….

    Nope. Dog fucker.


  17. “Much of the detail of Britton’s crimes are too graphic to publish”

    Jesus christ

  18. He’ll be out by 2028 and is only banned from owning mammals? What the fuck. He deserves much much longer and he should be banned from owning ALL animals. I’m sure he’ll find a way to stick his dick in some poor reptile or whatever.

    Honestly I wish pieces of shit like this freak could just be erased from the planet.

  19. Jailed for 10 years, eligible for parole in 2028 which they can refuse. Hopefully they do. Not only was this guy exceptionally sick torturing animals, he killed many of them. He also had child sex abuse material on his computer. This is one person you don’t want to let out again really. People who do unspeakable things to animals like this are psychopaths, the signs are there he could involve people next in his sick fantasies.

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