Thousands of anti-racism protesters take to streets across England to counter far-right rallies

Thousands of anti-racism protesters take to streets across England to counter far-right rallies

by Electricbell20

  1. Well, I’m glad that fixed all the underlying issues ! Race relations at an all-time high after this then ? No ? Who’d have thought.

  2. It is increasingly apparent that the rumour “100 planned far-right protest locations”, spread by the BBC, was a falsehood.

    Most of the rioting took place in the North over last week and the weekend. I don’t understand how anybody seriously believed that a second wave of right-wing riots would erupt in places like Brighton, ~~Bristol~~, and various London boroughs- all known as left-leaning areas with large immigrant populations.

  3. You mean thousands of mostly migrants take the street to support more illegal migration …. and Palestine

  4. Let’s wave our Palestinian flags that have nothing to do with this whatsoever. That’ll teach em.

  5. Yet there weren’t any protests planned, whilst I agree with standing together, this just looks like a show to make out everything is under control.

  6. Who would have thought that the right wing rioters aren’t the silent majority that they like to claim? Ordinary people outnumber them by a huge margin.

    The UK just had a General Election which the far right anti-immigration pro-Putin party Reform, led by Nigel Farage, lost and instead the Labour party won by a huge majority. This is the real reason for the riots – the far right simply are bad losers.

  7. You will regret One day

    Islamic community is not your Friends they will never be

    Their Holy book from their church teaches them kill to destroy your culture and your religion in name of their own good

    WAKE UP “ladies”

    Europeans used to have testicles

  8. >Thousands of anti-racism protesters gathered across England and formed human shields to protect asylum centres after police warned of unrest from more than 100 far right-led rallies.

    >Holding placards saying “refugees welcome” and “reject racism, try therapy”, people took to the streets in towns and cities nine days after the country was shaken by the fatal stabbing of three girls in Merseyside and the rioting that followed. But there was little sign of the unrest seen over the past week.

    >[Police staged their biggest mobilisation]( to counter disorder since the 2011 riots on Wednesday, saying many of the planned gatherings had the potential to turn violent.

    >Lawyers’ offices shut down, high street shops were boarded up, GP practices closed early and MPs were told to consider working from home as 41 of the 43 local police force areas in England and Wales braced for potential disorder.

    >About 6,000 riot-trained officers were drafted in to tackle the expected rallies and an estimated 30 counter-protests after immigration law firms and refugee centres were listed as potential targets in a far-right chat group on the encrypted messaging app Telegram.

    >But instead, thousands of counter-protesters took to the streets of Liverpool, Birmingham, Bristol, Brighton and London to protect their communities.

    >At 7pm in Liverpool, hundreds of people formed a human shield outside a targeted church that hosts an immigration advice centre while women held banners saying: “Nans against Nazis”.

    >Similar scenes were witnessed in Hackney and Walthamstow, both in east London, and Finchley in the north of the capital, as thousands of local people and anti-fascist activists came together and held placards saying “we are one human race” and “unite against hate”.

    >In Brighton, the handful of anti-immigration protesters who gathered outside a targeted law office were surrounded by police for their own protection after they were outnumbered by about 500 counter-protesters who chanted: “Off our streets, Nazi scum.” Later, the gathering took on a street carnival atmosphere with a samba band and loud singing.

    >But tensions flared in Aldershot in Hampshire after a group chanting “stop the boats” clashed with protesters holding “stand up to racism” placards who had been chanting “refugees are welcome here”. Dozens of police officers rushed onto the road to stop the groups from getting too close to each other. There were also reported skirmishes in Blackpool.

    >Northamptonshire police said three people had been arrested for public order offences in Northampton, and were in custody, and no members of the public or police had been injured.

    >The Metropolitan police said 15 people were arrested across the capital, including 10 in Croydon for assaulting emergency workers, possession of offensive weapons and other offences after about 50 people gathered “to cause disruption and fuel disorder”. “They’ve dragged and thrown objects down the road and thrown bottles at officers. This is not linked to protest, this appears to be pure anti-social behaviour,” the force added on X.

    >But by 9pm few far-right protesters were seen at the alleged targeted sites, although counter-protesters remained on the streets.

  9. Nothing to do with the race. Not everyone is far right who don’t agree with the left wing.

  10. This feels like 1930s UK, where there was a strong fascist movement, which was then followed up by a strong anti-fascist movement.

    10 more years and we have WW3 by my estimates.

  11. It’s a pity to see what a deluded black-and-white social shitshow the demographics and immigration discussion has become, with both sides becoming extremer every day.

  12. In 2020, when a police officer killed an afro-american citizen in USA (George Floyd) there were protests, even violent ones in major cities of the US, BLM organization grows, celebrities around the world kneel etc.

    2024, a british citizen of african origins kills three white british girls. Protests erupt, some of them turn violent. This time, they are all labeled far-right.

    Why aren’t people protesting against this anti-white racism that the murderer has (exactly like those back then in the USA)?

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