England gets tired of fascists having a tantrum, fights back

Is this the end of the riots?


Posted by ConsidereItHuge

  1. I’ve rarely been so happy to be proved wrong. I genuinely thought counter protesting would be a complete disaster and would just turn into a huge fight but seems I was incorrect. Well done everyone.

  2. I wouldn’t get too optimistic thinking that it’s the end of the riots, it may calm down for now but all of the underlying problems that provoked them in the first place still remain. We’re living in a tinder box.

  3. England is not racist. A few handful of idiots should not make us feel that every white person is the same. The ordinary people do not want this, and they will fight back against these scum.

    Let the football season begin and these idiots can go back to fighting themselves

  4. Unfortunately, pretty sure they’ll shift from rioting in public to thousands of small acts of violence, abuse and criminal damage whenever they find vulnerable victims.

  5. Ah the age-old tradition of Communists fighting Fascists. Two sides of the same collectivist racist tribalist coin that have been dragging this country down for over a century.

    I am tired of both the left and rights constent temper tantrums and bigotry.

    All you need to go as you just feed of each other and make things worse.

  6. Maybe we should look into addressing some of the concerns of the working classes so these things to avoid things flaring up again.

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