Cracking a rare smile too

Cracking a rare smile too

Posted by political_memer

  1. Do you remember when Trump said that EVs would destroy union jobs, then he flip flops for an EV company that’s not union?

  2. God DAMN he’s happy! Lookit that EAR – TO – EAR SMILE…

    Woooooooo Hooooooooooooo!!!!!. He’s in hog heaven.

  3. Well, Russia is pretty desperate to replace the 50,000 soldiers they’ve lost in the last 2 years. I’m sure they will be thrilled to have the brave Maga fighters come in to help them out.

  4. 1 when was it taken?
    2 any big conservative figure is likely to deal with Trump on occasion, you shouldn’t automatically assume that means he agrees with everything they support.

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