DAY SEVEN: Which Western European can πŸ’€ you in a instant? But won’t?

DAY SEVEN: Which Western European can πŸ’€ you in a instant? But won’t?

by Catwinky

  1. Switzerland easy, when Germany threatened to invade in WWII, and boasted that they had double the Swiss army, the Swiss replied “We will shoot twice and go home”

  2. Switzerland… look at all the guns we have in private households yet they are never used…
    Or our history as thought after mercenaries…
    And all the bank know about your rich leaders and their kids…

  3. Germany, the altered maps with German dominance they post here every week shows their secret bloodlust

  4. That is us, that is absolutely us. We can kill you, but we’ll recruit minors to do it instead since they get a lighter sentence.

  5. I just want to make one thing very clear. The Dutch could hug you, but will not under any circumstance.
    We’re all autistic and we don’t like any of you peasants.

    Carry on

  6. Greece. Used to be a place of cultured, homosexual warriors. Now just a nation of poor, homosexual turks.

  7. Pregame: I vote Austria for can kill you in an instant but won’t and Germany as the one who could beat you up, but won’t.

    Edit: And, if they agree, which they won’t as being not part of this party…yet? Slovenia for can guh you but won’t which is likely deserved but not gained by Slovenia.

    Edit: meant Greece

  8. I also say the Swiss. They’ve never been tested, but on the other hand they’ve never been tested. So they would, but won’t

  9. This is Switzerland, we know that when Germany is in position to kill you, it definitely does

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