Maduro security forces round up Venezuelans involved in protests in ‘operation knock-knock’

Maduro security forces round up Venezuelans involved in protests in ‘operation knock-knock’

Posted by aquilaPUR

  1. I am not a dictator:

    Has “re education camps”

    Goon squad raids on the opposition.

    Won by a “convenient” majority.

    For a non dictator hes a ticking a lot of boxes of a dictator.

  2. Socialists rounding up people who disagree with them? I’m shocked! Shocked I say! Well not that shocked.

  3. I mean bastion of democracy also raided and jailed protestors, although they call the rioters.
    How is this surprising?

  4. I always wonder what the end game is for people who support these dictators. 

    Probably an international criminal, no chance to leave you country/province without an eye out, and job security isnt the best depending on how unstable things are.

    Its very short sighted to be near such a bundle of very flammable sticks. 

  5. Of course, Russia and China are only governments congratulating him. They are also ran by brutal dictators that desire absolute control through violence and fear.

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