I’m sure you can do better than this, Jan.

I’m sure you can do better than this, Jan.

by Kurdt93

  1. Italy is the only country to have built a successful empire then squander it for some Jesus Juju.

  2. hahaha we got Breda and now there’s a painting portraying it, least humiliating Dutch L :p

  3. First, elaborate on which ones have become boring for you. Let’s start easy:

    Little Italian?

  4. I mean – he has some good points. Definitely rattled you enough with them to make a meme about it.

  5. That’s already 3 items, are you trying to disprove your own point??

    This is peak Luigi effectiveness

  6. I love Italians. I used to have an Italian neighbour, estranged from his family, sad story. Got Covid during the second peak. I remember being there when he died in the hospital. His last words were “Mi stai bloccando il tubicino d’ossigeno, pezzo di merda….” Such a beautiful language, never understood a word of it.

  7. PIGS when they make repetitive jokes about GUNS: 😂🤣👍🥹👌🤣😂

    PIGS when GUNS make repetitive jokes about them: 😡🤬👎👎🥱😤

  8. Offending Italians are we?

    ‘Pizza was invented in America’

    ‘Tony Soprano is Eye-talian’

  9. I don’t know why when Italians and Dutch get into a fight here, they get pretty personal. IMO Dutch tend to be more saltier but might be a bit biased. I let the council decide.

  10. If you start making cope-memes about it, does that mean we truck the right nerve?

  11. I can’t hear you over the sound of my knife cutting my ketchup pasta before I eat them.

  12. Use cream with pasta sauces, breaking pasta, using ketchup as tomato sauce because it’s the same right? Also, Batavian Revolt. Is this good enough?

  13. It seems we hit a nerve, I mean Hans was targeted in that post too and he doesn’t seem to care.

  14. you forgot ”PIGS short”, it’s the only thing that makes them feel superior

  15. I don’t like Jokes about Italians. They are all the same: bigoted, lazy and dull and

    the jokes aren’t much better.

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