I just had a random memory that I thought I'd forgotten from when I was at school and got in trouble for accidentally throwing one of these packs at a friend's head when I was trying to pull them out my pocket.

Any other things like this you guys remember? Like the prigles lunch bag protector things


  1. I memba! Do you remember the polo holes, like the cut out bit from the original mint? Also the jelly polos? Yummy.

  2. I’d forgotten about the Pringles cases. Genius idea. Got through about 100 tubes of Pringles that year and we used to stack different flavours at the lunch table.

  3. Oh yes, those polo minis were like treasure chests full of minty goodness! Perfect for sharing with friends or hoarding for yourself. The container was a game-changer.

  4. yeah and i remember eating too many of them on a school trip and shitting myself. nowt like throwing your boxers away in the bog at the royal armouries.

  5. I dont remember the ones pictured, but I do remember polo holes – just pieces of mint that were meant to be what got punched out the actual polo.

    I also have fond memories of lemon polo’s.

  6. I remember the OJ favour one. The giant polo was orange instead of white. Must be in a box somewhere next to the mini roll safes.

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