Man under investigation in Spain for pouring water on ancient cave paintings to get a sharper photo

Man under investigation in Spain for pouring water on ancient cave paintings to get a sharper photo

by Horus_walking

  1. > Spanish authorities are investigating a man who allegedly damaged cave paintings that are thousands of years old by pouring water on them in order to take better photos for social media.

    > A 39-year-old man from Los Villares, in Jaén province in Andalucia, southern Spain, uploaded photos of the wet paintings to Facebook, according to a statement from the Guardia Civil published on Saturday.

    > The paintings affected, which are in various locations in the Sierra Sur de Jaén mountain range, are protected on the country’s heritage register, and the man is under investigation for a crime against historical heritage, said the statement.

  2. Ruining 30000 year old art for a forgettable insta photo. Clearly the right choice. 

  3. I don’t think people should be allowed to walk up that close to a real cave painting in the first place. France built an entire 1:1 concrete replica of their famous cave just so that tourists could not disrupt the air, temperature and moisture level of the actual cave. If you can get to it so close you can splash water onto it maybe the people in charge should rethink how close visitors are allowed to get.

  4. Need to do what they did in the Chauvet Cave – create a replica for tourists and keep the original protected.

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