American diver Alison Gibson received the only “0” in 3m springboard diving.

Posted by TheBiasedSportsLover

  1. In diving that maybe a 0, but that’s the best example of a dive bomb into a pool I have ever witnessed. A 10 for me.

  2. Aranza Vazquez Montana, from Mexico, went on to score a failed dive in the women’s 3m springboard semi’s too, sadly causing her to miss out on a pretty secure spot in the finals 🙁

    My heart breaks for both girls, the pressure of these moments is unreal

  3. I don’t know the first thing about diving so reading the title I thought “is 0 the best or the worst you can get ?” Then I saw the clip…

  4. I don’t think the IOC realizes how many ticket sales they’re leaving on the table by not adding cannonball and belly flop to the diving competition.

  5. I’m giving you a ten anyway because I’m emotionally broken and need everyone to like me.

  6. I remember seeing Greg Louganis hit the back of his head on the diving board and fall into the pool. I’m glad she seems okay.

  7. I feel sorry for her, poor thing. To train so hard to finally showcase yourself at the highest stage and this happens? Must be shattering

  8. That’s why I could never be a judge. I’d feel bad and give at least one point out of pure sympathy.

  9. Owwwwwww. I had a college roommate who was a diver and she fractured a vertebra doing something like that. Pretty scary.

  10. Can anyone tell me if I’m right thinking the streams of water under the diving board are to keep the water surface “broken” to relieve some of the impact for the divers? Just noticed them.

  11. Just glad she didn’t get injured. Flipping end over end so close to the spring board looks dangerous as hell.

  12. Well the only bright side is that it wasn’t a higher platform or else it would’ve turned real ugly

  13. It seems like people gasped right as she jumped, even before she hit her feet? Was it that obvious already that she messed up?

  14. Can someone explain to me how penalties work at the olympics? I’ve seen multiple sports where the person did worst case scenario mess ups and receive no penalties

  15. We all have bad days and from the comfort of the computer screen I can say that that was rubbish. But had she nailed it like I’m sure she has 100s of times, I’d be super impressed because of how talented you would have to be to be able to perform the moves that theses amazing atheletes perform outside of competition. I hope shes not beating herself up too much over it.

  16. Aja ¿pero si le paso eso mismo a Paola alguna vez? Que alguien me resuelva ese misterio

  17. I laughed at first coz that looked genuinely funny af but then I saw the slowmo and what happened and goddamn. Hope she didn’t get injured by that.

  18. in all fairness, making it off the diving board and into the water should be worth more than 0.0

  19. No, there was another one today in the women’s semi-final; a Mexican diver. She tried to challenge it to go again but was denied.

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