X’s response to riots in UK could determine the outcome of ongoing EU investigation

X’s response to riots in UK could determine the outcome of ongoing EU investigation


by Wagamaga

  1. THE EU COULD take social media company X’s attempts to tackle disinformation around the riots in the UK into account when determining the outcome of its investigation into the platform’s compliance with EU regulations.

    In December, the EU launched its first investigation into a social media company’s compliance with the Digital Safety Act (DSA) after allegedly a slew of disinformation about the 7 October attacks in Israel appeared on X, formerly Twitter.

    A spokesperson for the European Commission, the institution in charge of such investigations, today said that the platform’s response to the riots in the UK, including in Northern Ireland, could be used to determine the appropriate response.

    Anti-immigration protests, rioting and violent clashes in the streets have been ongoing in the UK over the last week after false claims were spread on social media about the identity of a male accused of a mass stabbing attack in Southport last month.

  2. Curious where this goes to be honest. I don’t see them punishing a publisher. Sure maybe fine the ones who incited violence but can’t blame the whole platform for it.

    I just see this as another attack on free speech.

  3. I’m waiting for the pro billionaire anti EU regulations comments wonder why we haven’t developed our own society shattering social media platform, bought and poisoned by our own mad billionaire ~~genius~~ fascist-enabler.

  4. Why would the EU base its decision on an event in a non EU country?

    Might as well base it on the response of X’s coverage in Venezuela

  5. So they will be forced to basically censor all anti-migrant content or else face billions in fines

  6. What if we ban social media altogether and just live like it’s 2003 again?

  7. The British are angry because they love dictatorship, have no self-respect and dream of their country becoming a second USSR

  8. What is the EU going to do? Pull a Russia/North Korea/Turkey and ban twitter altogether throughout Europe?

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