Trump Drowned in Mockery For Complaining About a ‘Pro-Criminal Atmosphere’

Trump Drowned in Mockery For Complaining About a ‘Pro-Criminal Atmosphere’

Trump Drowned in Mockery For Complaining About a ‘Pro-Criminal Atmosphere’

Posted by newsjam

  1. Donald Trump, with his felonies so tall,
    Thirty-four counts, he’s in quite a brawl.
    And two divorces, oh what a sight,
    His marriages scattered, not quite right.
    With legal troubles and broken vows,
    He’s made quite the mess, no one knows how.
    So remember this tale when you think of the man,
    A story of chaos that no one can span.

  2. You’re a fucking scam artist who attempted a violent coup. Cry me a river traitor. You and your enablers are ALL getting tried for treason soon enough.

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