From telegram. This soldier appears to lose an arm and a leg, and also sustains what looks like a massive head injury.

by Tustondferdis

  1. After recently seeing the interview of one of the russian POWs who said they raped over 10 kids and several women and murdered atleadt some of them as a unit I have zero sympathy for this guy.

  2. Lots of legs and arms getting blown off. So I wonder, in general, if you get an leg and arm blown off like this dude. How long till you bleed out no TQ? What about just a leg or just and arm?

  3. Dang. Leg gone, face gone, probably horribly burned. Not a nice way to go. Maybe you should have stayed at home bro just saying…

  4. If I were a Russian conscript I would not be wearing a protective vest. Maybe not even a helmet.

    Knowing the chances of medical evac are slim and none I would rather take a quick fatal wound than last there screaming in pain until I bled out or died from sepsis.

  5. Human life… this is how ugly it can get, be greatful for every day under sky of the mercyful gods

  6. Driver is carrying no visible weapon makes me pretty sure this is a woman transporting supplies/ammo. The black vest/backpack and no weapon is what stands out so much

  7. as someone whose only military/combat experience is watching seal team, can anyone elaborate the point of a biker troop? does he function as a scout?

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