Elon Musk has gone too far – the UK has laws which can stop him

Elon Musk has gone too far – the UK has laws which can stop him


by BkkGrl

  1. I guess it’s better than nothing, but the damage this man has done to societies and especially minority lives across the globe for no other reason than just being one of the shittiest humans to come to money to date is incalculable and would’ve continued unchallenged if he hadn’t overstepped (…because he was unable to manage his manbaby emotions around divorce proceedings not going his way the same day and got just a little too careless).

  2. Elon Musk, the private person, can say whatever the hell he wants on X and is only bound by US law. There is nothing the UK or the EU can do about it unless he was physically sitting in the UK/EU when he made the post. Just like a person sitting in the UK is only bound by UK law and cannot be prosecuted under US law.

    If they have an issue with X’s policies or procedures, then can take that up with the corporation.

  3. I wish our Prime Minister would just say: “Elon, why are you talking bollocks?”

    Musk isn’t someone he has to treat with any semblance of diplomacy. He’s not a head of state or representative of a political organisation.

  4. I have some feeling that Elon REALLY wants for this situation to get out of control, so he can say that blue parties are better than red.

  5. From the moment I became aware of Elon, a good number of years ago now, I knew he was a c n u t and not to be trusted.

  6. “What, I could be the most loved person in the World by sending people to Moon/Mars, and by propagation of enlightenment of humanity?

    Nah, I will rather become another dividing society and sponsoring chaos populist!”

    I hope someday someone will make a movie about Musk’s alternative future. Where, at first, because of Mask help, to power come realpolitik populists.

    Then USA losing leftovers of own trust capital. Iran, South Korea, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Poland, and so on, begin to create own WMD, that launch WMD-proliferation, and even Canada and Mexico receive own “real, not theoretic, security guarantees. In the ensuing chaos, USA economy (for decades invested in globalization) collapse, and USA ideological imperatives becoming impossible in a World of exclusively hybrid regimes and autocracies.

    At the final, Musk sits alone in a dark room, illuminated only by flashes of nuclear explosions in TV and outside the window, and mutters: “I saved humanity, I saved humanity…”

  7. Please do it.

    We are less impacted because we are bad at English but it will do us good too

  8. So, people want to censor Twitter again? I’m not on board with that.

    I didn’t read the whole article, so correct me if I’m wrong.

  9. Why can’t these bongers give anything straight ? Just say you want to censor media when you can’t dictate it!

  10. Looks like Elon Musk was right after all. There is no freedom speech. Not really. The funny thing is, he didn’t even say anything outrageous

  11. Elon changed his whole tune over the past year or so. Anyone is free to support whatever politician they want, but the guy is literally just your average MAGA account on Twitter. You’d expect more intriguing political takes from the richest man in the world but the stuff he relays is borderline shitposting. 

  12. Elon Musk, a man the world could really do without. Impressive what he has achieved as little other than a charlatan. Depressing, too.

  13. Since when did everyone become so pro-authoritarianism? I thought I was in the majority in generally distrusting the government and being against their evergrowing encroachment into private life.

    Love or loathe Elon (I didn’t realise so many people don’t like him), the man is at least principled and a champion for freedom of speech.

  14. Force them to regulate Twitter, if they dont comply ban it, same for Faceboock, TikTok, Youtube, etc… We can’t have social media platforms promoting far-right idilogies and spreding miss information in a functioning democracy.

  15. UK has laws to stop him from expressing his opinion? As if arresting concerned civilians (but for some reason not Muslim thugs with knives and hammers) isn’t bad enough. UK may be closer to a leftist dictatorship closer than ever.

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